Chapter 8

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I slowly opened my eyes as I felt the slow rumble of my tummy. I groaned and tried to get up but my body was trapped underneath someone. I froze in my spot as I raked my brain trying to understand what happened to bring me into this predicament.

Try as I might no answer came and suddenly my stomach wanted to take me for a spin. I quickly pushed the hand off of me and ran towards the unknown door. Opening it I was thankful that it was a bathroom. I arrived at the toilet just in time as I doubled over it.

When my vomiting subsided I finally realized that there was someone gently rubbing my back. I tensed. I was completely naked and the strange person I was with is now here. What should I do?! Should I scream? No, that's never good. Run, kick, play dead? Just as I was about to faint the person spoke.

"Are you feeling any better?"

Wait, I know that voice.

"Deon?!" I managed to croak out.


I turned to see Deon Ambrose kneeling completely naked beside me with a concerned look on his face. The fact that we were both weirdly naked didn't seem to faze him.

"What day is today?"

"Ah, Saturday?!"

"Oh my gosh!" I practically screamed.

With renewed energy I shot up from the floor and re-entered his bedroom. I barely acknowledged his presence as I scrambled to put my clothes on.

"What... Are you doing?"

"Where's my phone?" I asked rushing past him and upturning the place. "I'm going to be in so much trouble!"

"Trouble?!... Hey, stop." He reached out and grabbed me just as I found my phone.

"Freaking out isn't going to solve anything."

"Could you please put some clothes on?! You're distracting me."

I sat on the bed as I waited for him to get dressed. There was tons of miss calls and sms on my phone and I inwardly groaned. My parents are gonna kill me. When I checked them, with my heart in my throat, I was surprised and relieved to see that they all were from Shane.

Then it hit me... Like real hard.

I looked up with guilty and regretful eyes and stared at Deon who was now dressed except for his shirt. He was bracing his vanity and looking at me. The now smirk on his face told me he knew exactly what I was going through.

"You remembered." He said softly as he came and sat next to me.

I nodded gravely.

"And you regret it..."

Before I could answer my phone vibrated and I had a mini heart attack. I quickly answered.

"Where in God's name are you Lillian!" My brother shouted at me.

I inwardly cringed at his tone. Boy was he mad.

"I'm still at the party?!" I squeaked.

"Why didn't you call. You better not be drunk. I can't believe... I just... Argh."

"I'm sorry I fell asleep and I... I'm sorry."

"Are you okay?"


"Are you sure Lil?"

"Yes. Shane I'm really sorry."

"Okay, do you want me to come get you now?"


"I'll be there in a few minutes."

There was a click and the phone went dead. I rubbed at my temple before hiding my face in my hands. I remembered. I remembered. Those were the only words circulating in my brain. Why did I have to remember?

Why did I have to remember all the things he did to me and I to him?

"Do you want to talk about?" Deon asked carefully.


"Well, am I'll go to the kitchen and make breakfast. The bathroom is there. I'll leave you to clean up, k?"

I nodded and he silently stood up and left. I slowly got up and made my way to the bathroom but when I turned on the shower and the water touched my skin it made my body aware of everything that happened to it. I groaned. Not because I hated it, no, because I missed it. I missed his touches, his kisses, the way he made me feel and the desire I ignited in him. I groaned again.

Why did I have to remember?!


Shane arrived a few minutes afterwards and when I checked my watch it was minutes to ten. The sun was extremely bright today and I had to squint my eyes in order to see. I hopped into the car and put on my seatbelt. I was grateful when he didn't ask any questions instead he just drove off. I looked up just in time to see Deon standing at the front door. He still hadn't put on a shirt and he was smiling at me.

His chest was just as I remembered. Dark, muscular and all man. I remembered the feel of it on my tongue and between my teeth. I bit my lips when I subconsciously let my eyes travel down his body. He had a really big-


I jumped when my brother called my name. Busted.

"Yes?" I looked over at Shane with guilty eyes. His were focused on the road so he couldn't have noticed.

"Are you hungry?"

"No, I am... Ate breakfast already."


We sat in silence for the rest of the drive. When we arrived at his place he parked the car, waited for me to get out, shut the doors, opened his apartment door, dropped the keys on the table and then went to his room. I stood awkwardly by the door unsure of what to do. When it became clear he wasn't coming back I wandered towards the kitchen and searched his fridge.

It was completely stacked and made my dorm fridge look like a joke. I grabbed a ginger ale and sat on the couch in the living room. Propping my feet on the sofa I flipped through his Netflix until I found a movie. There was one called 'Jailbait' that was recently watched so I decided to watch that.

My phone vibrated and I checked it.

>Did you get home safe?

I smiled when I saw the message. Even though I didn't know how he got my number I was still glad he did.

<Yeah, I did. Thanks for asking.

>Always. I hpe u dnt hate urself or me for what happened last nite.

<Why would I?

>U shudn't... I enjoyed every bit of it n hpe u did 2.

<I did...

I waited a while for his reply but I guess he got busy. The house was in a huge mess when I left and there was about fifty half naked people everywhere you turned. I knew that when the house was really ready to be cleaned it would be hell to do.

I laid on the couch and closed my eyes. Minutes later I fell asleep to dreams of what happened and what could have.

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