Chapter 27

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"Hey babe."

I closed my locker as Deon came to stand beside me.

"I tried talking to you for two days and I'm beginning to get a vibe that you're ignoring me?"

I closed my eyes as he braced the locker nearest me. I tried so hard to avoid him and I managed but now it was Friday and classes just ended and here he was. There was no way that I could just ignore him and there was no way that I could talk to him. I sighed and turned towards him.

"I can't do this Deon."

"Do what?" He looked at me with a confused expression. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean..." I closed my eyes as the tears threatened to fall. "I mean we can't be together anymore."

My voice came out as a raspy whisper as a tear slipped down my cheek.

"Lilly." He grabbed my face and lifted it to him. "Did someone say something to you? I swear if it was any one of my friends imma-"

"It wasn't your friends... Deon, please understand."

"Understand what Lilly? Understand that suddenly you want to break up with me? After everything we've been through... After all they put us through... After I confessed my love to you?"

"Deon, I-"

"I fought for you and to be with you and yet this is what you're doing to us?!"

"Deon please, don't-"

"Don't what? I love you Lilly and I would do anything to be with you... If you haven't noticed, I changed most of my ways since we got together. I..."

He vigorously rubbed his face as he tried to stay composed and I stood there as the tears flowed free.

"I love you too." I managed to cry out.

"Then don't leave me." His voice broke on the sentence and I wanted nothing more than to embrace him and put his fears to rest but my mother....

"Deon... I can't... I can't be with you."

I watched as his face slowly changed from disappointment to anger to regret to pained and finally to fear.

"Goodbye Deon." I said as I saw the tears in his eyes. I ran down the hall, refusing to see him cry because I knew that I wouldn't be able to walk away from him. I wouldn't be able to stop myself from kissing him and telling him how I never ever wanted to be away from him. I stopped running as I arrived at the girls washroom. I ran in and started crying insanely as the tears broke me.

I never believed in hating family, no matter what they did but right now... Right now my eyesight was blurred with the colour red and my heart was tainted with blood. I was bleeding from the open wounds my family created and try as I might it wouldn't heal.

When I was sure that I wouldn't break down and cry again I exited the ladies room and walked out to the back of the school where I usually hung out when I needed to think. It was a place where you could see most of the dorms, the lecture halls and the fields in one go. I sat on the deserted and broken down bleachers as I pulled out my phone and plugged in my headset. Immediately Pink's song 'Family Portrait' started playing and I leaned back as both the loud music and the strong winds took over. I closed my eyes and quietly started humming the tune as the afternoon sun shone down on me.


"Hey why are you so mad?"

I rolled my eyes as I laid on my bed and looked through my phone. I had invited Rebekah over so that we could study for the upcoming exams but I now realized what a bad call that was. She was a complete nuisance and was too persistent when it came to finding out what was wrong with me.

"Can we please study?"

"No, not until you tell me what's wrong."

"Fine!" I slammed my phone on my text books and looked up at her.

"I'm a werewolf." I said deadpan and folded my arms.

"Oh come on Lilly, I'm being serious."

"I am too."


She threw her hands in the air and blew out a frustrated breath.

"Fine I'll drop it-"

"Thank you."

"For now."

She stared at me fiercely and I stared right back. When it was clear that neither of us was winning the 'stare you to death' contest we settled down and got right into physics, which was our first exam on Monday. Two hours later we were both hungry and decided to take a break to whip up some snacks.

"So, do you wanna watch a movie?" Rebekah asked as we both rummaged through the kitchen.

"Not really, no."

"Oh come on. You never wanna do what I wanna."

I turned around from peeking inside the fridge to see my friend pouting at me.

"You do know that finals are in two days and this last set of examinations determine whether or not we get to study at our desired schools... Right?!"

"Yes but we don't have to take the exams now, so let's just watch one movie."

When I still stood there she continued.

"It's just for two hours, jeez you're not gonna die."

I sighed before being dragged into the living room by a very persistent Becky.

Sitting down on the sofa, I watched as she searched through Netflix until she found a movie called 'Home'. I found it ironic how she wanted to watch some kids movie about being home when we actually were home. Nevertheless I humored her and snuggled in deeper as I grabbed my popcorn and drink. By the end of the movie my throat was hurting from laughing so much and I felt like I literally went through all my emotions.

"Well that was a different kind of movie." I stated as I picked up my trash and headed into the kitchen.

"I know right!" Rebekah replied as she mimicked my action. "I can't believe they did that to us. I mean I really thought he was dead."

"Me too... In a way it kind of reminds me of me."


"I never had a friend."

"Yeah, but you're not an alien, you didn't nearly die saving the earth and you now have me."

I sighed, "Can I return you?"

"Not a chance."

Laughing, we both headed back upstairs just as my brother came home.

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