Chapter 28

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The sun was at its brightest today and I had every indication that it was going to be a beautiful day. Finals was finally over and I was now preparing to go to my interview at nine.

"Hey kiddo, you ready?" Shane asked as he peeked through my bedroom door.

I was sitting by my mirror trying my best to comb my hair when he walked in.

"Yup." I said as he braced the vanity and faced me.

"You nervous?"

"Surprisingly, no. Is that weird?"

"I'm not sure when it comes to you... I'm just... not sure." He gingerly kissed my forehead before walking out.

"Be ready in five okay, I don't want us to be late."

I nodded as I focused on my task and barely took note of my door closing.

Two hours later I was walking into the huge building with my brother as we headed towards the receptionist. The place was extremely busy even though school was closed but I knew it was because of the interviews. Shane and I passed many persons who looked equally as excited and nerve wrecked as I was. Others looked like they wanted to pass out and then they were just a few who looked like they were dying from boredom. Yep, those were the ones that were probably extremely brilliant and boy was I jealous.

We took a seat in the waiting area along with the many others and I immediately took up a magazine as I tried to distract myself. Shane pulled out his phone and was instantly lost in it and so I was on my own. Every once in a while I noticed students going in and coming out and with each one gone it drew me nearer and nearer to the door. I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply, when I reopened them I heard my name being called and I couldn't help the immediate adrenaline that began pumping through my veins.

I stared wide eyed at my brother who was just watching me with the biggest smile he could possibly muster. Subconsciously I felt my head nodding at him before I was being led through the huge mahogany doors towards the few persons who literally held my future in their hands. The woman who had been carrying students to and from the room stopped in front of an equally huge door before turning to me and smiling.

"Good luck in there." She said to me after she had knocked on the door.

She turned to leave and something inside of me begged her to stay. I was alone and very anxious. My heart was beating a million miles per minute and I had the urge to turn and run.

"Come in!" A voice boomed and I literally died inside.

Walking cautiously forward I entered the room and came face to face with ten adults. They were all dressed sharply and looked professional. Eight of them were sitting opposite each other at a long mahogany desk, one was seated at the head and the tenth one was sitting towards the far wall as she worked some tiny devices in front of her.

"Have a seat." The man at the head bellowed and I jumped as he pointed to the seat at the far end of the desk, away from the actual desk.

I cautiously walked over to it, my heart still in my hands, and I sat down. All eyes were on me and I suddenly had the urge to get a giant blanket and cover myself.

"So, tell us about yourself Miss Adams." The man said.


I looked around the waiting area until my eyes settled on the person I was looking for. I smiled brightly when I saw Shane get up and walk towards me.

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