Chapter 8

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The trio of Shadowcats considered our little pack with cold, appraising eyes. The thoughts dashing through my mind largely involved wondering if he had changed his mind about killing me. If Nate recognised my scent, he didn't show it. It was Prince Kaeden whom he chose to acknowledge.

"It's been a while, Kai."

So they did know each other. Kai tilted his head ever so slightly but otherwise didn't react. From the little information I had about his visit to the Shadowcats, a while meant at least nine years. It was only then I began to remember that was because the Shadowcats had hidden themselves away. Which rose the question as to why three of them were here. What had changed?

After his continued silence, Nate spoke again, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly. "I see. You aren't feeling very talkative. That will not matter — I only need you to listen. We are going to Evarlin. You and your friends are going to move out of our way."

I wasn't very happy with this. What had changed after eight years of solitude? Since when did the Shadowcats visit the Moon Guard? And more importantly, why?

It was obvious the others weren't very happy either. Becky asked through the mind link, "Could all five of us kick their asses?"

Personally, I was hoping it wouldn't come to that. Kai was descended from a Shadowcat, so there was no reason why they would want to hurt him.

Kai spared her a dismissive glance. "No. They don't fight in packs like we do, but each of them is twice as deadly as an individual wolf."

"The prince is right." Nate's eyes glinted. "There's no need for violence, Rebecca. We're all on the same side here."

My eyes widened to what felt like twice their normal diameter. He could hear the mind linking? He knew her name? What the actual fu... fudge? How was it possible? Why had I never heard of this?

Why did I have so many questions and no answers to any of them?

It's because you never ask any of them out loud. My wolf was laughing at me again. She was right, and I hated her for it.

"Shadowcats can hear mind links," Kai explained mentally.

"It's odd that, isn't it? Considering we can't use them," Nate agreed. "Anyway, we've wasted enough time. Leave the deer for them, Brylan."

The Shadowcat opened his jaws, letting the carcass fall to the ground with a muffled thump. He licked a drop of blood off one dark paw, then followed Nate as he skirted around us. Becky made to go after them, but Kai put himself in the way.

"Leave them."

I wandered over to the deer carcass. To my wolf, this looked like a delicious meal, and I was very, very hungry. By all rights, Kai should have chased me away. He should have claimed his right to eat first and made the rest of us wait. But for whatever reason, he didn't. Kai came and ate beside us. I was left wondering if that had some deep meaning, perhaps reflecting how he would be when he was king.


My legs dangled over the edge of the balcony, winding themselves around the thin pillar. I rested my head on the wall beside me. The grey, bare stone didn't make for a very comfortable seat, but it was all I had. My weary stare was fixed on the base of the keep, while my fingers fiddled with Nate's necklace. A cold breeze brushed over my bare skin.

Nate and his Shadowcat buddies had gone in there, accompanied by the Commander of the Moon Guard himself, according to my nose. They still hadn't come out. Whatever they were talking about was taking longer than an hour. I supposed it was lucky I had managed to steal a few hours' sleep before we went hunting, or else my vigil would have been very short.

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