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The dedication goes to @Peppy_and_Proud for coming up with the idea of an epilogue in the first place. I'm sorry this took so long. Between all the editing and updating it's been on the back-burner. I'm sure everyone's forgotten what happened by now (I had) but here you go anyways.

Attached above is the song for this book, which I happen to love. It's not particularly well-known, but if you haven't heard it yet, you're missing out. And below are some other books to check out if this chapter leaves you wanting:

 And below are some other books to check out if this chapter leaves you wanting:

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Natalia had a very good pair of lungs. She had been screaming for most of the morning, and the volume hadn't faltered once. I supposed it was my own fault. I had volunteered, after all. And if I lost my eardrums today, I would only have myself to blame, really. But the royal family had needed guarding, and my patrol wouldn't have missed it for the world.

It was a difficult labour, according to the midwife, who had appeared briefly an hour ago. Natalia's hips were an awkward shape: we'd had the same problem last time. But her Highness Amelia Davengard had managed to push her way out, so I was sure this baby would make it without a c-section.

One of the women poked her head out of the door. "We need more hot water."

Nate nodded - a sharp, business-like dip of his head. The woman vanished back into the "Step to it, Rebecca."

Becky rolled her eyes and began the long trek to the kitchens. Believe it or not, she had matured in the last six years - after dating Ben and deciding it was not such a good idea, she was now in a very serious, very sweet relationship with a Wynhold girl.

Five minutes of screaming later, she returned with two jugs filled to the brim. And while neither of them were particularly heavy, she was struggling to walk without the water sloshing onto the beautiful woven carpets.

"Help her," Nate told me. There was a little note of unhappiness in his voice, because he still didn't like giving me orders. Working together had been difficult, at first, since he was technically my boss. But Nate led by consensus, which helped, and we'd learned to separate out the working and private relationships entirely. Once Nate put on his uniform, he was just my patrol leader. And once it came off, well ... that was our business.

Smiling, I took the second jug from Becky and the boys opened the doors for us. Only women were allowed inside the bedroom itself, with her husband being the only exception. He was crouched on the far side of the bed, letting Natalia squeeze his hand into a pulp. Wearing worn trackies and an oversized shirt, his chestnut hair a mess, hazel eyes marred with dark circles, he looked about as far from regal as you could get. Kai, not Kaeden.

He spared us a glance as we set the jugs on a low table. "Nearly there now. You can tell the courtiers to get off their asses."

I told Alex through the link with half a thought. Because now I was in the room, I could find an excuse to stay a few more minutes and maybe watch a new little prince come into the world. Although for the moment, I was trying not to look anywhere near the bed, to be honest. Bringing Freya into the world had been a night straight from hell, and I didn't need any reminders.

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