Chapter 18

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Mwhaha and here come the Luna of Rogues references. I reckon most of you are from that book, so keep an eye out for those. Ready to meet Rhodric's big sister, everyone?

The Queen of the Free Isle was guarded by no less than eight men. Two of them were Moon Guard, the rest hired Llewellyn fighters. She was resting in her chambers, according to the first steward we asked. I got the impression that it wasn't a rare occurrence these days.

We were still a hundred paces behind when patrol eighty-eight reached the entrance to the Queen's chambers, but I could hear every word that was said. They barred the door to them. A burly captain announced, "The Queen is not to be disturbed."

"We've brought the new recruits for an introduction," Zara said.

"Go and introduce them to the King for all I care. We have strict orders—the Queen is not to be disturbed," the captain insisted.

"Not even by her beloved son?" Kai asked with a broad smile, inserting himself strategically between Zara and me as we came to a halt.

The captain swore, turned, and then wrapped Kai in a swift hug. "Good to see you, boy. And you're a guard now, are you? Nice going. Of course you can go in."

"This is Sav, Lanath. She'll be coming with me."

"Right, okay. That's fine too. Nice to meet you, Sav."

"You too. I'm starting to think you might be the trainer Kai talks so much about," I commented.

"Indeed I am," he said. Lanath turned to wink at Kai. "She seems like a nice girl. Why on earth is she friends with you?"

Kai grinned. "Wish I knew."

Lanath slapped him on the back, roaring with laughter. "Well, your mother will be waiting. I'll catch up with you later."

He waved a hand and the men moved out of our way. Even the Moon Guards obeyed the command. Impressive. Zara narrowed her eyes ever so slightly at the exchange. Especially when the captain turned to embrace Ben next.

I trailed after Kai through the doors and into a surprisingly modest bedchamber. The Llewellyn crest was everywhere—embroidered on sheets and carved into the doors themselves. A huge double bed took up most of the floor space. It was big enough that my entire patrol could have slept on it comfortably. The furniture itself was luxurious, but the decor and belongings scattered around could have belonged to any family.

"Mother." Kai went to sit on the edge of the bed. I remained hovering uncertainly in the doorway as a pale and painfully thin woman took his hand and smiled at him. She had his eyes, but that was all. There was little and less of the Queen in Kai's face. The prince had taken after his Davengard sire.

"My boy," she said quietly. I needed my wolf hearing to understand the words. All of a sudden, I was back in my grandparent's house, watching as they faded away to a shadow of themselves. I couldn't even imagine how Kai felt. His mother was far too young to be dying.

"I brought someone to meet you. This is Savannah Fairborne," Kai introduced me. He didn't offer any other explanation for my presence, but that bothered me more than the Queen. I seemed to be the only one in the dark about why I was here.

"Hello, Sav." My queen and regent turned to address me. I didn't miss that she knew the nickname. How much had Kai told her about me already?

"Your Majesty," I replied, inclining my head with far more respect than I had given the king.

"Nonsense. You're Kai's friend, and right now, I'm just his mother. So you call me Gwen," she insisted.

I found myself gravitating closer to the bed. Some barrier had been broken, and my muscles relaxed under the Moon Guard's uniform. I wasn't a soldier reporting to her leader anymore, just a teenage girl meeting her friend's parent.

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