Chapter 24

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Kai and I were walking to breakfast. A nice, normal stroll through one of the quieter corridors. We weren't even halfway when I caught a familiar scent and dragged Kai with me to investigate. After my first-aid efforts, I wanted to see how Nate was doing. But we arrived too late, because even as I saw him leaning against a pillar as if he hadn't recently been bleeding out on my floor, things went wrong.

Last night had consequences.

An entire patrol rounded the corner, geared up for battle. I didn't know their names, but I did know it was one of the senior patrols. They didn't give Nate any warning before he had two blades levelled at his chest. I stepped forwards angrily, making to protest. Before I could even open my mouth, Kai seized me by the waist and physically hauled me out of sight. He held me down and covered my mouth with one hand. I found myself staring into those hazel eyes.

"They wouldn't arrest a Shadowcat for anything less than treason. Act like you care and they'll take you too," Kai hissed at me. "I'm not letting that happen. So you can either keep quiet and stand up like a normal person, or I can throw you over my shoulder and lock you in your room."

It was Prince Kaeden speaking. The practical king-in-waiting, who could assess any situation within seconds. And my boss. So I nodded as best I could and pushed his hand away. We stood side by side and stepped back into sight, as if we just happened to be walking down the corridor.

The Shadowcat heir didn't even spare me a glance as two of the guards restrained his arms behind him in a pair of iron cuffs. He didn't try to resist, or even ask what he was being arrested for. It was like he knew exactly what he had done wrong.

But I didn't know. As best I could tell, Nathan Silveryn had never set a toe out of line. He was the loyal, obedient, unquestioning type. That redeeming quality was the only reason I cared about him. Wait, had I just admitted that I...? Oh, Goddess.

As he was dragged past us, Kai mind-linked me. Too late, I realised what I should have minutes ago. Shadowcats could hear mind-link messages, but the guards couldn't.

"Nate," Kai said mentally. It was the first time I had ever heard him use the nickname. The first indication that he might still have some regard for his second cousin. "We'll come and see you later. Don't try anything and don't admit to anything. Understand?"

Without even looking at us, Nate's eyes flickered up and down once. A very discreet sort of nod. The only downside of the mind-link was he couldn't reply. The guards marched him down the corridor and towards the cells without sparing us a second look. If it had been Zara, she would have probably looked the other way while we had an entire conversation. Not all of the guard was so friendly, though.

As soon as they were out of sight, I seized Kai's arm and dragged him the other way. I hissed at him, "We're getting him out. We need him."

And we did — we were due to be in Silveryn territory today, and I wouldn't bet on lasting the morning at the mercy of hostile Shadowcats.

Kai set his jaw. "Okay then."

I blinked, startled at how easily he had agreed. But he didn't even give me time to consider it, because his next move was to take a step forwards, straight into empty space. The stairwell was crowded, which was fortunate for his ploy, but probably embarrassing for him. Kai fell down two flights, tumbling and rolling, before finally coming to rest on a paving slab at the Instructor's feet.

The Prince of the Free Isle groaned and picked himself up very slowly. His arm was at an odd angle, and his held his chest in a way that indicated broken ribs. "I don't think I can go out on patrol today, sir," he announced dramatically.

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