Chapter 2

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I'll give you chapter 2 because this here is interesting.



  Chapter 2 

I woke up to the sound of my mom's quiet sobs. Though groggy, I turned to her and said, "Are you okay?" 

She jerked and turned to look at me. Her mascara was dripping and lipstick smudge, kind of like the Joker. Someone call Batman.  

"I thought you were asleep," she said softly.  

Right now, she looked fragile and breakable, like one harsh word from anyone would break her to pieces.  

"Mom, don't cry. Seriously, are you okay?" 

"Don't worry, honey. I am just going to miss California so much," she said. I look into her eyes for the truth and I feel like there is something she's not telling me.  

"That makes the two of us, Mom. But I think this will be good for both of us," I assured her. It worked, because she said, "Yeah, it will. I love you so much, Selene. You know that right? Even though your father and I divorced, I still care about Jason and you." 

I smiled, "I know, Mom. Don't worry about me." 

We were interrupted when the pilot's voice blared through the speakers, "Attention passengers. We will land in about one minute. Thank you for choosing America Airlines." 

I looked out the windows and immediately, the sun hit me. Whoa. Damn, it's bright. Like really bright. 

"Mom, I think we will need to purchase lots and lots of sun block here," I said dryly. 

"No kidding. It is going to be way sunnier and hotter than California," she responded. 

The planed landed smoothly on the runway. At least I think so. Everyone began unbuckling seatbelts and grabbed their stuff. I reached for mine and Mom's. Outside was very humid. It was hot and freaking stuffy. Right now, I would kill for a pool.  

"Mom, please tell me we got a house with a pool in it," I pleaded. 

She smiled a secretive smile and said, "You are just going to have to wait and see." I rolled my eyes and began walking with our luggage. After the whole bit of security and checkpoints, we walked out front and waved for a cab.  

Mom and I stuffed everything in the trunk and climbed in the backseat of the cab. Mom handed the mid-fifties cabbie the address.  

We rode the city in silence and watched the buildings with interest. I noticed all the cars here are similar to the ones many people drive in California; Lexus, Mercedes, Hondas, Toyotas, Mustangs, and a couple of Audis. Finally we turned to a neighborhood. Holy crap, these houses are nice. They were spacious, tall, and really pretty. We finally stop in front of house and my jaws dropped and my eyes bugged out. It was really nice. Nicer than the one in California, and that is saying something because our house was like the ones in Beverly Hills. Money was not an issue for both of my parents since my dad is the president of a talent agency and my mom has her clothing line. But damn, this is way over the top. The front had a security gate, a circular driveway with a fountain right in the middle. The house itself is really creative with geometric designs. The house is three stories in total. I stepped gingerly out of the cap and took my stuff out of the trunk. 

"So, what do you think," my mom asked, with a smile forming on her lips. Evidently, she saw my expression earlier. 

"I love it, Mom. But isn't it a little too much?" I ask her. 

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