Chapter 8

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-------------------------------> Eric Sanders on the side

Chapter 8

At school everyone were talking about Tristan's party. Some looked thrilled talking about it, some looked like they were just been punch in the gut.

The first period came and English started. Today was  when we had to present our Essays in front of the class. It was word 300 points and everyone who cared about their grades like, had to do it perfect.

Ms. Conell can you please present your essay? “ Mr. Conner asked. I nodded and walked to the front of the class.

There were some members from the basketball team when they saw me,k they smiled at me while  3C's glared at me. I read my paper work and received a perfect score.

“ Corrin you are next” called Mr. Conner” She put on a haughty look that clearly said “ I'm  better that you so fear me” and walked up. Her essay, as it turns out as phenomenal. Everyone  dropped their jaws and had a very surprised look on their faces. Even she looked surprised. She gave to everyone a hyper smile and walked back to her seat.

Mr. Conner didn't look impressed at all. He looked pissed off.

“Corrin your essay  was really impressive. Now, will you tell me what you just read on wor work? “ he commanded.

He stared at Corrin when he said that. Corrin stared at her paper, speechless.

“ I'm afraid i'm going to have to send you to the principal's office” Mr. Conner said sadly.

I shook my head. Of course Corrin dosen't have a clue what her work said because it was writen by a very smart kid majoring in Literature at Stanford.

That's  what you get for calling me a “ bitch “ slut. I would be super surprised if Corrin wrote this because she's not so book smart. Class was then over and we walked out.

“ Wow that essay was really awesome.” Said Kayla.

Yea, but Corrin will never ever write something like this” I remarked.

The rest of the day passed fast  and then it come time for practice. I changed in the locker room and walked out to the salon.. There was no sigh of Corrin but whatever. There were her clones. Cassidy and Cameron. They looked lost without their leader.

Once I reached the bleachers, I sat down. I felt a presence next to me and notice Tristan there. He was cute and serious like every time.

“ What? You don't have an excuse to talk to me again?” I asked.

He smiled and said” Maybe. SO you think you're going to make to a small forward?

I shrugged. “ Probably not”

The guys around me heard and Eric said “ Selene, dude you need more confidence here”

Sam, the strong  but quiet typed said “ You're going to make itt”

I smiled and said “ Sam, that was the longest sentence I ever heard from you”

He grinned and the guys laughed. Sam was very cute boy shaggy brown hair and blue eyes. He was the tallest from the team like 6’4 or something.

Couch Conner blew approached with a clipboard on his arm.

“Congratulations to all of you. You all made the team. Unfortunately only 6 of you will be main players. The rest will be substations. I'm going to read the five main players who has the best skills right now”

“ Tristan Ryder, you're power forward and the captain. Eric Sanders, shooting  guard and co-captain. Samuel Adams you're center. Logan Peterson you're point guard and finally.. Selene Bruke you are small forward.”

The guys cheered and applauded while I sat there dumbfounded and shocked.Tristan who sat next to me gave me a hug and whispered in my ear,

“ I knew you'll make it”

The other guys patted my back, some ruffed my hair.

“ You got to be kidding me?” I snapped. I was so happy, yet unsure,

I looked couch Conner and he smiled at me.

“ Selene, you have great potential. You are one of the best players that I have ever seen trough my twenty years teaching. Even though you are the first girl ever to join a all boys basketball team  

The skills that you have shown me this week proves that you can play just like the g=uys…maybe better.”

The guys were quiet when he said that and once he was finish they all nodded and gave me  supportive smiles. They sort of remind me of my older brother. Expect from Tristan who does not remind me for my brother.

“ Alright so here 's the deal. We will have some games coming up, all leading up our Homecoming Game. I will do my best to get you all ready for it against North Riverside high. Questions?

There was none and couch Conner said.

“ Tristan.”

Tristan stepped in front of the team besides the couch and said.

“ Some of you know me as basketball captain from the last year. Some of you do not but I will do everything that I can to take us to the championship. From now on you are not one person. I don't want to hear the word “ I “ . From the moment couch Conner said your names you are one of the Miami beach high basketball team. WE ARE TOGETHER FROM NOW ON AND IF WE LOSE WE LOSE TOGETHER AS A TEAM! “

The team cheered and clapped their hands shouting Miami beach high and Tristian's name.

The couch was smiling like crazy and nodded toward me. I nodded back.

I do my best for this team and boys.


I know its short but i wanted to upload it. Next time i will make it better and longer. :)

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