Chapter 1

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   Y/N'S POV

  Hi! Y/N's the name, and I've always wanted to be that girl that would end up with the man of her dreams. The truth was, that man just happened to be Justin Bieber. Maybe you've heard of him? Justin and I were inseparable growing up, but then he became really famous.
  I tried to keep in touch with him, but it wasn't the easiest thing in the world to do. Justin was Justin Bieber. Gosh, it's been years since I've been able to see him, but I was certain that he had not forgotten me. That would be impossible, right?

  Well, anyways, Justin's manager, Scooter Braun, managed to get in contact with me two days ago, which threw me off. I mean, how did Scooter even know my new number of all numbers? I guess it was a gut feeling or something. I don't know. Skipping our surprisingly short conversation, Scooter asked if we could meet up, but here's the thing: I was really afraid of Justin's reaction to seeing me after all these years.

  What if he didn't like me? What if he had enough best friends to keep up with? I sighed and just said "okay," before I gathered all my things. However, I would never expect an actual limo to be in my driveway... waiting for me. Me.

  Scooter stepped out of the limo and waved me over. Immediately, I smiled and met him halfway before pulling him in for a hug. Scooter chuckled, hugging me back.

  Not wanting to weird Scooter out, I pulled away from the hug and asked Scooter,"How have you been, Scoot?"

  Scooter smiled saying,"I've been good, Y/N. You ready for this? Justin's in an interview right now, so we'll just wait for him."

  I nodded and climbed inside the limo. I fell back against the seat, just doing the best I could to really take this moment in.

  Scooter laughed and said,"You get used to it, eventually."

  I smiled before sticking my headphones in my ears. Immediately, my playlist began with the one and only Michael Jackson. Who didn't like Michael Jackson? It was not long before we arrived at the condo, the condo that was three times the size of my own place.

  Because of the short amount of time that we had left, Scooter wanted to go ahead and leave, yet I wanted to unpack some essential things before I left. After about ten minutes of unpacking, Scooter met me at the door, and we headed back out to see Justin. On the way there, all I could do was pray that Justin would be happy to see me.


Purpose: A Justin Bieber x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora