Chapter 24

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   Y/N'S POV

  When Justin and I made it back, this man couldn't stop smiling. It made me smile just to see how happy he was that I said yes. I also knew that it was time for me to start looking at wedding dresses (not that I wasn't already doing that beforehand;)

  I placed a kiss on his cheek and said,"Jay, if you keep smiling too much, your face is going to get stuck like that. Permanently."

  Justin just shrugged and replied,"I'd be able to live with that. I already smile every day because of you, Y/N, so it wouldn't be any different."

  I was ready to marry this man right here right now.

  "Justin, you're the reason I smile, too, so the feeling's mutual. Did you have to talk to my father before you asked me?"

  Justin's smile dropped, and I was confused as to why. Did something happen between my father and him? I hated that I was the reason he wasn't smiling anymore.

  Justin took a seat on the sofa and said,"Y/N, I've tried talking to your father for a long time about this, but I went to see him the other day. He wasn't too happy to see me."

  I sat down next to Justin saying,"Baby, there's no way that that's true. Maybe you caught him at a bad time. He loves you. He said you were perfect for me."

  Justin rolled his eyes and gently took my hands saying,"Baby girl, your father has hated me for years. Many, many years at that. I've tried several times to get your father's blessing, but he would never hear me out."

  I felt like I had literally been punched in the face several times. So, if Dad didn't like Justin, did Mom not like him, too? I had to know.

  I looked down at Justin's hands saying,"Wow, Justin, I...I didn't know that about my father. I guess it makes sense, but he's always told me about how much he liked you. Why would he lie to me about it, though? Why not just tell me he didn't like you from the beginning?"

  Justin admitted to me,"Y/N, maybe he did like me at first, but people tend to not like me after the things that I've done. Could you blame him?"

  Did Justin really just say that?

  I immediately covered his mouth before anything else came out of it. Anything that was going to make me tackle him.

  I said,"Justin, everyone makes mistakes. That's not fair for him to look at you differently because of your past. Everyone has done something terrible, even if it seems small compared to other people's mistakes. I'm not going to sit here and let you start feeling sorry for yourself. You understand me?"

  Justin's eyes widened, and I began to wonder if something was behind me. I looked behind me, yet nothing was there. It was just the front door. I turned back to Justin and motioned for him to say something.

  Justin shook his head and said,"Nothing, you sound like a wife already, a good one."

  I smiled at Justin, yet I said to him,"Thank you, Bieber, but does my mom like you?"

  Justin chuckled saying,"Oh, she loves me. She cried the second I asked for her blessing since your father didn't want to hear me out."

  I nodded and hugged Justin saying,"I love you. I'm ready to continue to be by your side, no matter what the world thinks. We're going to see my father tomorrow. No argument, Jay."

  He sighed but held me saying,"Whatever you want, Y/N, but he doesn't want to see me."

  "It doesn't matter if he wants to. We're going to see him."

Purpose: A Justin Bieber x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now