Chapter 13

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   Y/N'S POV

  After Justin and I grabbed something to eat, I couldn't help but notice how quiet Justin was. While we listened to the radio, Justin lightly tapped the steering wheel, but he never said a word to me. It wasn't normal for him. Maybe I should get rid of the flowers?

  I turned to him and curiously said,"Jay, everything okay? You seem quiet, too quiet."

  Justin sighed and pulled over, before he turned to me and said,"I don't know how you're going to take this, Y/N, but we can always talk about it later."

  I sent Justin a confused look, while he tried to get his car to start. When it wouldn't start, I was actually happy because Justin couldn't get out of talking to me this time.

  I grabbed his hand and intertwined his fingers with mine saying,"Jay, you can talk to me about anything. Since we're obviously going to be sitting here for a while, we have more than enough time to talk. I am gonna be here to listen. I promise."

  Justin nodded and scratched the back of his head saying,"I..uh..well.."

  I asked him,"Justin, what did you do?"

  Justin sighed and mumbled something, but his words came out a little too fast and squished together for me to understand him properly.

  Justin opened his mouth to attempt to answer me a second time, but I put my hand over his mouth and said,"Don't say a word. Give me 2 seconds."

  Justin looked away from me, because he knew I was a smart girl. He also knew that I knew how to find out what he was up to in a matter of seconds. What was the go-to when you wanted to see the latest on your favorite artist?

  I quickly pulled up the news feed and highlights before I read,"Earlier today, Justin Drew Bieber was spotted disrespecting some of his most loyal fans and showed absolutely no respect..."

  My jaw dropped at what I read, but Justin couldn't even look at me. So, it confirmed my fear that this could actually be true and not a bunch of nonsense. Justin knew he was in trouble, but I made him look at me.

  I sighed and looked into those hazel eyes that drove me crazy saying,"Justin, tell me there's something that they missed. This isn't you. I know it isn't."

  Justin gently moved my hand away from his mouth, before he looked at our hands saying,"Baby, I know it's wrong, but I feel like it's getting too much for me. Y/N, I don't know what's wrong with me."

  Tears formed in Justin's eyes, and he brought his hand up to my face.

  I leaned into his touch and softly said,"Jay, I know it's hard and things have crazy for you, but your fans will love you no matter what. This will change things, but you must earn their love and trust back again. You are everything a girl could ever dream of wanting and nothing will make me hate you, no matter how much I wanna hit you for not getting me food!!"

  Justin chuckled and leaned in, kissing me passionately. I kissed him back while I ran my fingers through his hair.

  Justin slowly pulled away and pecked my lips saying,"I love you, Y/N. You promise to stay and help me?"

  I smiled and stroked Justin's cheek saying,"I promise. Now, pop up the hood. I am gonna show you just how much skills this girl's got."

  Justin rolled his eyes, which made me pop him on the back of the head. He smiled and kissed my forehead, before I got out of the car and started working on it. It took me some time, but Justin eventually got off his butt and helped me fix it.
  Once we were done, Justin helped me inside his car and finally drove us to get something to eat. He called Scooter and let him know that we would be back soon, but he needed some more time to spend with me first. Of course, I blushed just thinking about it, but Justin sent me a wink and turned back to order our food.

  I sat down at one of the tables outside and double blinked after getting blinded by a flashing light. I rubbed my eyes, before I felt someone placing a kiss on both of my eyelids. I opened my eyes to see Justin standing there and holding out a fry for me.
  I sat up and took a bite of Justin's fry, before he just continued eating. I drunk my Coca-Cola, while Justin just took to getting Sprite.

  I giggled at his plain self, which made him look up at me and ask me in curiosity,"What are you laughing at, beautiful?"

  I shook my head and smiled saying,"Nothing, just that I'm glad I have you, I guess."

  Justin playfully rolled his eyes at me saying,"I guess", which made me get up and sit down beside him. Justin wrapped an arm around me, before he rested his forehead against my own. Our noses lightly touched.

  Justin smiled and said,"I never thought I'd be able to have you. I love you."

  I kissed Justin's nose and said,"I love you, too, Bieber. Are you gonna eat that?"

  Justin chuckled and kissed me, before he slid his food over to me. I just smiled and intertwined his fingers with mine. But while I ate, I just let Justin talk to me about anything he could think of. It was moments like these that I knew he needed, whether he admitted it to me or not.

Purpose: A Justin Bieber x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now