Chapter 8

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It's been nearly two weeks and Cas and Dean still can't have an actual conversation it's driving Dean up the walls. They don't yell at each other though. There is only deafening silence that Dean hates more than Cas raising his voice.

Even Cas' students know there's something up with their teacher. They try to talk with him, but he says silent and broody. Cas tries to keep his personal life and work life separate, but he can't help the fact that Dean won't listen to him.

Cas awakes on Friday morning. Dean is no where to be found, his car is even gone. So Cas gets dressed silently. He knows he may be taking this a but too far. But Dean refuses to listen.

He drives to school without music, when he sulks, he does so quietly. It's how he always is. As he arrives at the school, one of the office workers rushes up to him.

"Mr. Winchester this was dropped off for you." She hands him a red envelope. The front, Written in all caps, reads; OPEN IMMEDIATELY!!!

Cas sighs and rips open the envelope. He pulls out a card with a sad bear on it. He opens it, in bright purple lettering, it reads I'm beary sorry,
And it continues on in a handwriting Cas knows well.

Cas, I'm sorry. I should have listened. I hope you forgive me. Sadly I could not find a bee card, so I drew a bee. I love you, Honey bee. I expect to see you very soon. Love, DW

A small arrow points to a cute little hand drawn bee at the bottom. Cas can't help but smile. Dean, not matter what, can always end up making him smile. Even at their worst times Dean knows how to make everything better.

Cas shuffles to his classroom and unlocks the door. He flips the light switch on and is surprise by the scene before him. A giant vase of pure white roses sits on his desk. The wonderful scent washes over him immediately calming him.

Cas loves white roses, they're his favorite kind. They always reminded him of grace.

Dean is perched against Cas' desk, staring at his husband.

"Hey, handsome, took you long enough to get here." He smirks at Cas.

"Hello, Dean." Cas sets the card next to the flowers and his case next to his desk.

"Forgive me?" Dean holds out a small bag.

Cas takes the bag from him and looks inside. It's a jar of extremely expensive honey, that Cas loves very much.

"Yes, I forgive you." Cas throws his arms around Dean. "I shouldn't have been mad like that." Cas says apologetically.

"It's okay." Dean caresses Cas' face. "Looks like some students are starting to arrive, I must leave. See you later." Dean kisses Cas quickly and rushes out.

Cas spends the rest of the day sniffing the beautiful roses and smiling like an absolute idiot. He drives home in a better mood than he's been in all week. His car is filled with the aroma of the bouquet of roses that are in the passenger seat beside him.

When he arrives at his home, Benny's car is in the drive way. He was not expecting him to be there.

He goes inside and can hear them talking from the recording room. Cas sets his case on the floor and the roses on a stand in the hall.

"Come on, Dean, it's a convention, how can you not go?" Benny asks.

"I just made amends with Cas, I can't just leave." Dean responds.

"I'm sure Cas would understand, your fans need you." Benny murmurs.

"So does my husband," Dean replies. Cas can tell Dean really wants to go.  He moves to the doorway, but neither notice.

"Come on man, I don't want to go alone." Benny urges.

"I don't know." Dean grumbles.

"You should go," Cas speaks, causing both Dean and Benny to look up at him. "Benny is right, your fans need you."

"But what about you?" Dean stands and moves over to Cas.

"I think I could manage if you weren't here for a few days." Cas smiles, letting Dean wrap his arms around him.

"Are you sure?" Dean presses.

"I'm sure, just don't let your fans seduce you away from me." Cas smirks.

"Wouldn't dream of it, Honey Bee." Dean kisses Cas' nose.

"Alright, I'll reserve us a room, and plane tickets." Benny stands. "I'll see you guys later." He leaves hurriedly, so he doesn't impede on their time alone.

"So," Dean smirks. "All this time, sleeping alone, it's made me really lonely." He murmurs, pressing close to Cas. "I've missed you,"

"I just got home from work, and I'm hungry." Cas hides his moans as Dean kisses his neck.

"Well, school makes you stressed, and I hear orgasms are a great stress reliever." Dean trails a line of kisses along Cas' jaw. "And if we eat before, we could cramp."

"Dean," Cas sighs. Dean raises an eyebrow at Cas, smirking at him. Cas presses Dean against the wall. "That ass is mine." He growls lightly.

They go to the bedroom, spending the rest of the day making love and being alone together.

They are lying together in bed, Cas has his head resting on Dean's bare chest. Dean is running his fingers through Cas' hair.

"Are you sure you want me to go?" He asks yet again.

"Yes Dean, I have no problem with it." Cas rolls his eyes.

"Okay, but you have two days before I leave, so you have that time to change your mind." Dean murmurs, even though he knows Cas won't change his mind. "Besides who's gonna keep you company while I'm gone?"

"Charlie will work fine. She's been very anti-social since Gilda left. I might make her go out, stop sulking." Cas responds.

"Okay," Dean nods. "I wish you could come."

"I can't miss school." Cas points out.

"It's only Friday and Monday that you'll be missing." Dean counters.

"I'm aware, I just don't want to leave my students, they have an important test coming up and I can't leave them hanging that way." Cas snuggles closer to Dean.

"Fine," Dean lets out a dramatic sigh. "I guess I'm gonna have to have a whole bunch of fun without you."

"Oh well," Cas smiles and lets his eyes drift shut. He falls into a blissful sleep, wrapped in the warm arms of Dean Winchester.

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