Chapter 12

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Monday takes forever to come, an once it does, the day seems to move extremely slowly. One minute seems to take an hour. He can hardly pay attention to his classes, though his students don't seem to notice. They're all too busy talking excitedly about the upcoming dance in two weeks.

Cas, being a good teacher, volunteered to supervise the dance. All of his students demand he bring his husband. Which he does not want to do.

Finally, school ends and Cas rushes home. He feeds Destiel and tidies the house. He doesn't want Dean to come home to a messy house. When it comes time, Cas rushes to the car and makes his way to the airport.

He goes to Dean's gate and waits patiently. According to the sign, the flight is on time. It's only about twenty minutes before the plane lands and passengers start unloading.

Cas beams when he sees his beautiful green-eyed husband. Dean's face breaks out into a huge smile and he catches sight of Cas. They run into each other's arms.

"Damn, I've missed you." Dean sighs.

"I've missed you too." Cas holds him tight. "Don't leave any more."

"Promise," Dean grins.

"Hey, I'm here too," Benny waves.

"Hi, Benny," Cas chuckles.

They get their suitcases and they all go out to the impala.

"Did ya miss me?" Dean trails his hand along the hood. "Keys," he holds his hand out to Cas. Cas rolls his eyes, fishing the keys from his pocket.

Dean slides into the front and sighs happily. Cas takes the passenger seat, and Benny in the back. They first drop Benny off then Dean takes them home.

"Oh I've missed you so much." Dean murmurs once they're inside. He presses Cas against the wall.

He kisses him softly. Cas leads him to the bedroom, and shuts the door behind them.

The next week consists of them turning the spare bedroom they use for storage, into a suitable room for a child. They have no ideas how old the kid is, or even what gender so the decorating is difficult.

By the time Saturday rolls around, the room is cleared out and cleaned up.

By one they are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Anna. Five-past, the doorbell rings. They bolt up to answer it.

A short woman with red hair stands there. She's dressed professionally with a folder in her arms and a purse at her side.

"Hello, my name is Anna." She greets.

"I'm Castiel, this is Dean." Cas introduces.

"Lovely to meet you two in person." She smiles brightly.

"Please, come in," Cas invites her inside.

"Care for a drink?" Dean offers as she steps in.

"No thank you." She says politely. "Can I get a tour of the house?" She asks.

"Oh, of course!" Cas smiles. He shows her around to every room.

They end at the recording room.

"This is Dean's recording room, where me makes his videos." Cas finishes the tour. And goes to the living room.

"This is a beautiful house you guys have." Anna comments as they take their seats.

"Yes, we've worked hard to get it." Dean nods.

"So refresh me on what you two do for a living." She starts with their interview.

"I'm a history teacher at the high school." Cas explains.

"And I get money from making highly watched youtube videos." Dean answers.

"You work from home?" Anna asks him.

"Yes," Dean nods.

She continues to ask questions and they answer honestly.

"Well you guys seem like you would be wonderful parents." Anna smiles. "Would you like to see your future daughter?" She asks.

"Most definitely." Cas nods.

Anna opens the file and hands them a picture. In the picture is a beautiful baby girl with thick black hair and stunning green eyes.

"Her name is Mary, she's six months old. Her birth mother will have no communication with you two what's so ever, with this being a closed adoption." Anna explains.

"Oh, Dean, she's perfect," Cas gasps at the picture.

"And she's ours?" Dean looks at the picture in awe.

"Yes, I expect you two will come in tomorrow to turn in the paper work and you can take her home." Anna beams at them.

"Oh my goodness, yes, of course. I can't wait." Cas can feel his eyes starting to water.

"Great," Anna hands them some documents. "These are just a couple more things you need to sign and fill out. Bring them in tomorrow and she's all yours."

"Wonderful." Cas takes them from her.

She makes her leave and drives off.

"Dean," Cas turns to his husband. "We're gonna be fathers." He smiles excitedly.

"We also have a room to furnish." Dean smiles.

The rest of the day is spent shopping for a crib, changing table, and other baby necessities.

By the end if the night, the room looks fit for a princess.

"Do you think she's gonna like us?" Cas asks worriedly as they lay in bed.

"Of course she will, with a father like you, anyone would be happy." Dean pulls Cas close to him.

"Are you sure you want this?" Cas asks.

"As long as I have you, of course I do." Dean kisses his nose.

"Well, I'm not going anywhere." Cas lays his head on Dean's chest.

"I know you aren't." They fall asleep wrapped in each other's arms. Both dreaming about their future.

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