Chapter 19

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Cas lies in bed, Mary beside him. She's been crying much through the night, she seems much calmer when she sleeps with him. He seems comforted as well, another person in the bed eases his pain.

Dean now has been in a coma for three months. It's agonizing. He's missed Mary start crawling, even taking her first steps.

With school being over, Cas has nothing to stop him from being with Dean all day.

Crowley did as he said he would and he pays for the every growing hospital bill.

Mary starts fussing beside him as she starts to awaken. She's always a fussy waker, in a grumpy mood until she gets her breakfast.

"Shh. It's okay." Cas strokes her hair as she blinks her eyes open.

"Let's get you breakfast." He scoops her up. She whines against him as he carries her to the kitchen. He passes Dean's recording room. He's only been in there one time since the accident. He went in there to make a video. He let Dean's fans know about Dean's condition. Since then, the door has stayed shut.

Cas enters the kitchen with his whiny baby. He sets her in her high chair and goes onto making her porridge.

She whines loudly as he pours it into her bowl.

"Oh hush, I have it right here." He sits before her and starts feeding her. She hums happily as she sucks the food off the spoon.

"Mo' papa, mo'" she reaches for the bowl.

"You want more?" He holds a spoonful up. She nods and reaches. "Okay, here you go." He moves the spoon to her mouth. She opens wide and gulps down the porridge.

"Num," she bounces in her place. Her food starts pushing out her mouth.

"Messy, messy." Cas cleans her up.

Once she finishes he lifts her and sighs in exasperation.

"How can one child make such a mess. I was the one with the food!" He looks at the sight of her messy shirt. "Bath time."

She squeals with delight, kicking her feet excitedly. Mary absolutely loves baths.

Cas runs the water and seats her in it. Mary babbles incoherently, but Cas halts when he hears an unmistakable "dada" within it.

"I miss dada too." Cas sighs.

"Dada?" Mary tilts her head, much like Cas does when he's confused.

"He's not here right now." Cas suds up the soap as he cleans her off. "Dada is taking a really long sleep. He is going to wake up soon, I know it." Cas solemnly washes her off. Her babbling starts up again.

He wraps her in a towel and dresses her. He helps her walk around the house. She can slightly walk on her own, but she loves when Cas holds her hands and helps her walk.

The phone rings. Cas sets Mary in her play pin and grabs the phone.

"Mr. Winchester?" A woman's voice speaks on the other side.

"Yes, this is him." He turns and looks over at Mary. She's sitting in the pin, playing with a stuffed moose. She got it from Sam a few weeks ago.

"Hi, I'm Nurse Alexis, at the hospital." She starts. "Your husband has started to stir."

"What?" Cas' heart starts to pound.

"Now this doesn't mean he is going to wake up, but is definitely a step towards it. We are almost positive he is able to hear what is going on around him, and we really think you should come in and talk to him." She speaks happily into the phone. Today was actually going to be the one day he wasn't going to come in.

"Are you serious?" Cas gasps.

"Absolutely, speaking to him could really increase his chances in coming back." The nurse chirps.

"Thank you, so much. I really appreciate this call." Cas hangs up and stares at the phone, dumbfounded.

Dean could wake up, Dean may come back.

"Mary, we are going bye-bye!" Cas turns to her. She whips her head up and smiles.

He rushes to his bedroom, changes and runs out to the living room.

"Come on, little one." Cas lifts her from the play-pin. He folds it up and carries it, her, and the diaper bag all out to the car. He buckles her in her car seat and slides into the front seat.

He drives to the hospital. He goes strait to Dean's room. A doctor is standing by his bed jotting something down on a clipboard. He's tall and gangly, he has large ears and a big nose. He has big brown eyes and sifts brown hair. His face looks very cheerful.

"Hello," Cas nods to the doctor.

"You must be the husband, hi, I'm the new doctor, Dr. Fitzgerald, you can call me Garth though." He holds his hand out to Cas. Cas knew there was going to be a new doctor, he just didn't know he would be working with Dean. Cas shakes his hand.

"Nice to meet you, I didn't realize Dean would become a patient of yours." Cas readjusts Mary on his hip.

"Oh, well, they said I should take him, since I'm new and all, and he's in a coma." Garth rambles. "I'm sorry, that might have come out wrong."

"No, it's fine. It's great to meet you." Cas nods.

"I'm gonna leave you be, have a wonderful day." Garth waves and leaves the room.

"Dada," Mary leans towards Dean's unconscious form on the bed.

"Yeah, that's dada." Cas sets the play-pin and diaper bag on the floor.

"Hey, Dean." Cas sits in the chair and grabs his hand. "The nurse said you might be able to hear me. So, hi." Cas starts speaking. Mary glances up at him as he talks.

"I really miss you. I can't stand you being gone for so long. Mary misses you too. Please come back to us. I want you to see Mary walk, I want you to hear how much her vocabulary has grown. I just want you back." His thumb strokes the back of Dean's hand.

"Dammit Dean, I want us to be happy again. Your big youtube convention is soon, we have a vacation to go on, we have so much to do. I don't want to do it without you. I can't do it without you. We are always there for each other, so please don't leave me alone." Cas keeps talking. It is about the randomest things from then on.

They while time he speaks, he grips Dean's hand. It's after Cas puts Mary down for a nap when he gets some kind of reaction. He's talking about all the episodes of Doctor Sexy that Dean missed when Dean's hand tightens slightly.

"Dean?" Cas stands. He searches Dean's face for any sign of movement. His eyelids seem to flutter. The machine recording Dean's heart rate seems to get faster with the beats, not alarmingly fast, but the beeps are more frequent than before.

"Wake up, Dean, please wake up." Cas urges. He leans forward and kisses Dean's lips. "Please." Then suddenly, bright green eyes are staring up at him.

Dean blinks a couple of times.

"Dean!" Cas throws his arms around him. When he pulls away he notices Dean stare at him.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Dean asks, his voice sounding raspy.

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