Chapter 21

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About a week later, Dean is released from the hospital.

It's nearly seven at night by the time they leave. Dean is carrying Mary out to the car. Cas notices that since he woke up, Dean spaces out occasionally. It isn't too noticeable, the doctors said he will be fine and it will most likely stop soon.

"You're coming back home." Cas sighs happily as Dean buckles Mary into her car seat.

"I know, thank god." Dean straitens. He looks at the car a bit apprehensively.

"I'll drive," Cas jangles the keys. Dean hesitates before getting in on the passenger side. "It's funny, you haven't made one remark on how much you've missed the car." Cas says casually as he starts the car.

"I don't need to say anything, she knows I missed her." Dean smiles.

Cas drives out of the parking lot and makes his way toward home. He glances at Dean. Dean is gripping his seat tight, his knuckles turning white.

"You okay?" Cas asks.

"Of course, why do you ask?" Dean's voice is tense. Cas can tell Dean will not admit any weakness.

"No reason," Cas shakes his head and looks back at the road. Dean is terrified of being in the car, it's obvious.

He may not even realize it, but the car accident has made him scared of being in a car. Even if he does realize, he would never admit it.

They arrive at the house and Dean is quick to leave the car. He goes to the back and grabs Mary. Cas waits for him by the hood.

"Welcome back home." Cas sighs. He grabs Dean's free hand and leads him inside. The door is unlocked, like Cas planned. He opens the door and steps into the dark hallway. The door shuts behind them.

Suddenly the light switches on a people jump out all yelling surprise. Dean jumps slightly. Mary hides her face in his shoulder.

"Welcome home, buddy!" Benny comes up and claps him on the back.

"You threw a party?" Dean asks with an amused smile towards Cas.

"Of course," Cas beams. "Now go mingle." He takes Mary from him and gives him a boost toward the group of people. All of their friends and Dean's family is there. Only one person in Cas' family who was even invited, his older brother, Gabriel. Everyone else is there for Dean; Bobby, Sam, Ellen, Jo, Benny, Andrea, Charlie, and so many more.

Charlie prances up, Dorothy in tow.

"You seem much happier now that Dean is back." Charlie smiles.

"Yeah," Cas sighs, bouncing Mary on his hip. They all look at Dean, who is speaking with some people.

"I'll take Mary, you should be by his side." Charlie offers. "You deserve it, you've waited long enough." She snags Mary from Charlie.

"Thank you." Cas makes his way over to his husband.

"Oh thank goodness, I thought you were going to leave me along the whole time." Dean grins from ear to ear. He throws his arm around Cas' shoulder.

"Of course not, I was just letting you say hello to everyone." Cas  leans his head against Dean.

"Hey, Dean." Sam walks up.

"Hey-a Sammy." Dean nods.

"I wanted you to meet someone." Sam steps aside and a beautiful blonde woman steps up.

"Hi," she waves.

"Dean, this is my girlfriend, Jess. Jess, this is Dean." Sam introduces.

"Girlfriend? Wow, you sure know how to pick 'em." Dean nods approvingly.

"It's lovely to finally meet you, I've heard so many wonderful things." Jess holds out her hand.

"Like wise." Dean nods. "When did this start?" Dean looks between them.

"About a month after the accident." Sam responds. He entwined his fingers with Jess'. They look like a cute and happy couple.

"I'm happy for you." Dean smiles at his younger brother.

"Thanks." Sam beams.

Cas and Dean make their rounds with everyone at the party.

"Yo, Dean-o!" Gabriel sidles up to them.

"Hey, Gabriel." Dean greets Cas' brother.

"You gave my brother quite a scare, almost made him a widower." Gabriel says in a half joking tone. "How 'bout next time you stay away from death and keep my little brother happy." Gabriel pats Dean's face.

"Yeah, planning on it." Dean chuckles.

"Good, cause if you ever do it again, I'll have to bring you back to personally kick your ass." Gabriel smiles and skips away.

"As always, speaking to your brother is such a pleasant experience." Dean says, sarcasm coating his voice.

"At least he isn't Lucifer," Cas shrugs. Lucifer seems to hate Dean, no one knows why though.

"I could take him." Dean shrugs with a small smile.

"I'm sure you could." Cas smiles. They lean against each other, watching their guests mingle and eat.

By ten, guests start leaving. Mary also is extremely fussy at this point. Charlie brings her over.

"She keeps whining, I don't know what to do." Charlie hands her over.

"She's just tired," Cas cradles her. "You wanna go night-night?" He directs his question toward her. She nods with a little whine.

"Okay, bed time." Cas slips into the kitchen, fills a bottle with water and takes her to her bedroom. He lays her down and gives her the bottle.

"Goodnight, beautiful." Cas leans down and kisses her forehead.

"Don't forget, a kiss from daddy." Dean walks up to the crib. He leans down and plants a kiss on her forehead as well.

They step out of her room.

"I will finish, saying goodbye to the guest. How 'bout you start us a nice hot bath. I think it's long over-due that we've gotten hot and steamy." Dean winks and goes to the hall. Cas shakes his head but goes to their bathroom and starts up a bath.

Once the water fills he turns the light low and lights a few candles.

Dean comes in a bit later.

"All the guests are gone and the baby is asleep." Dean wiggles his eyebrows.

"My god, I've missed you." Cas steps up to him and throws his arms around him. They kiss heavily.

"Wasn't there a bath drawn?" Dean smirks.

They take their bath, among other things. Them they end the night lying in bed, unclothed, and together. Cas has missed sleeping with Dean so much. Part of him keeps expecting to wake up and it all be a dream, but the longer they are together the more he knows it isn't true. Dean is here, Dean is awake, and most importantly, alive.

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