Chapter nineteen

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Xander pushed his wolf to the limit. He knew that Seb was ready to hurt his mother.

He leapt pass the first three wolves coming to stand in between his mother and the wolf who thought to take his pack.

Xander growled circling the other wolf. Seb tried to make his wolf bigger but he was no match for Xander.

He lunged at Xander but he dodged him turning around to nip him on the hind leg.

Seb stumbled turning around to face the Alpha wolf noticing that his other wolves were in death matches of their own. None of them free to come and help him take down the pup of his fierce enemy Alexander.

Xander looked over at the shaggy grey wolf. He hated this man, despised him for the downfall of his family.

Seb pounced. Xander tackled him in the air. Growls could be heard as they tried to go for each other throat but bitten down on fur instead.

Xander spat out the fur in his mouth on to the ground. His long wolf tongue hanging out his mouth as his panted.

He stalked over to Seb noticing a patch of fur missing. He made a mental note that he needs to get closer to him again if they were in that situation again.

Seb jumped again. Xander met him in mid air their paw met. Xander claws sliced down the middle of his belly. Blood squirted out.

Xander landed in all fours whilst Seb landed in heap on the floor. All the wolves stopped fighting noticing that their Alpha were down.

Xander stalked towards Seb growling. He noticed Seb hollow breathing. Xander bent down to clamp his jaws around Seb throat dragging him up and towards his mother wolf that were waiting.

He dropped the half dead body at her feet. Giving her permission to take the wolf life.

Lisa stepped on him with her paw. Snarling. She hated this man.

She licked Xander snout accepting the offer of the kill that he gave to her.

She bent down ready to take his life when Jessie jumped in the way. Her body still human.

"Mum don't do this. He is my father." Jessie tried to reason.

Heaven growled behind her mother. She never met this man and she don't consider the male her father.

Lisa tried to nudge her out the way. She needed to kill him. To end the cycle. Seb will never give up. It been over twenty years and yet he still harbours a grudge.

Xander pounced on Jessie. So she fell away from Seb. He laid down on her body his mouth going to her neck. He bite down gently. Letting her know that he is alpha and she will respect his decision.

Lisa looked down at her half dead mate. Then ripped out his throat with her teeth.

The pack howled in victory.

"Mum." Jessie shouted. "You didn't ask him where Trisha was."

Just like that Lisa cried. Seb done her over again. This time from the grave.


I know a short chapter but as you can see I'm wrapping things up and I had this written for over a month and got writers block. I hope releasing it will give me
More insight and stop you guys waiting so long.

Xx kayla

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