Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to To all my readers

Chapter 1

The pack house was a hide of activity. Tonight were the celebrations for the twin's birthday. They were going to turn twenty one tonight.

Xander was sitting at the desk in his room wrapping up his gift. He had brought each of them a ticket to Mexico where they can enjoy spring break. They love to party amongst the humans. A smile touched his lips. Heaven was the outrageous and loud one out of the twins. You would not think that she knew that amount of sinful words. Her name does her no justice.

However Spirit is different entirely. Thinking of them two makes him smile. Spirit was always calm, collected. Whenever Heaven annoyed him it was always Spirit that calls for peace. She was the mature one out of the two. Even though there were five years gap between them the three of them had always been close.

Well four if you include Hayden the son of the beta. He was the youngest in the group. He would soon turn twenty one in a couple of months. Something the girls would never let him forget.

"Come in!" Xander shouted as he heard a knock on the door. He turned around in his chair slightly to see Hayden walk in to sit on his bed. The six feet tall blonde giant stretched out his feet in front of him.

"So what did you get the twins?" Hayden started off the conversation nodding to the two Xander's exposed birthday cards.

"Tickets to Spring Break in Mexico." He said simply as he licked the enveloped seal shut.

"You got to be joking." Hayden laughed. "The Alpha would go shit crazy to know you're sending them there. He forbade them to go after seeing that documentary of girls gone wild."

"Well," Xander leaned back in his chair. "They asked so I delivered. Who says we cannot go as chaperones?" He then wiggled his eyes at Hayden.

Hayden sat up straighter on the bed. "You crafty wolf. I don't suppose you have a plus one for me too."

"Hell yeah!" Xander reached over to high five Hayden. Both of them laughing joyously at his plan.

"I do not think I can handle so much sweaty humans in one place." Hayden admitted after a while.

"Neither do I, but think of the girls!" Xander pondered at a thought for a moment. "You don't think I am too old to go do you?"

"What?" Hayden looked taken back. "Dude you're just like the rest of us. Fuck ages. Fuck them. We're going to Cancun!"

"Yeah! Fuck them!" Xander stood up to shout.

"Fuck them!" Hayden repeated.

"Fuck them!" a little boy's voice said from the door of the room. Hayden and Xander turned round to face him in surprise. "Fuck them, fuck them!" He repeated Jumping up and down on the spot.

Xander approached the boy with caution holding out his hands in a peace gesture. "Tommy! You need to stop saying that. It's a bad word!"

"Bad word?" Tommy stopped the bouncing to look at his brother with a deadly look. "I am telling mommy you are saying a bad word!" He pointed over to Hayden.

"No Tommy!" Xander tried to reason. "We could keep this our little secret."

The little dark haired boy looked like he was thinking the offer over. At the sounds of footsteps approaching brought Tommy out of his trance.

"Mummy! Xander said a bad word!" He took off like a bullet racing down the corridor before Xander had a chance to stop him.

Hayden took a deep sigh to run his two hands through his long blonde hair. "I better go before the Luna sees me. Your mum is deadly scary bro," Hayden walked to the door turning round to shake his head slowly at Xander.

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