Chapter Six

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Chapter 6

It has been three days since the Twins birthday party. The pack were told at a pack meeting tonight that there was a third baby that the Luna and the Alpha thought had died.

Alex thought it would be best to omit the circumstances of her pack. He still did not trust the she-wolf the same as his son. Nothing good comes from that pack. When the council sent some members of the Dark moon pack to live within his pack lands. They were under observation for years. Many of them could not live with simple pack rules. As they though that brutal strength was all they needed. As a result many men had to die as they couldn't submit to the Alpha wolf.

The females were easier. Now most of them loved the pack life as they were unafraid to walk at night. They had prospects at learning and education so they could have a job.

Now twenty years later. He knows he could trust the ones from the dark moon pack. Even though she shares the same blood as his mate and daughters. Alex was unsure that inside if she was a product of her environment.

Brandon attended the pack meeting also. He stood well away from his family that was seated on the makeshift stage in the pack house ball room. Instead he was by the corner of the room. Masking his presence in the darkness. His eyes were skirting over the audience watching for their reaction to the news.

He did not know what he was looking for. But his wolf was on high alert. He knew he had to unfold what happened twenty years ago to find out what is really going to happen now. The females of the family was too blind to see it. That is why the males have to take charge.

He heard his mother stand up on the stage to announce Angel to the world. "Everyone. Thank you for coming."

Brandon took his eyes off the crowd for a moment to look at the stage. He saw his mother stand up in a long flowing purple dress. She drew Angel to stand next to her. "This is my daughter Angel."

Brandon gave a small smile as he saw Jessie wince at that name. She kept telling his mother to call her Jessie but she won't. Now it looks like all the pack will now start calling her Angel.

"Hi." Jessie said tentatively. She stood in the glare of the spotlight. She was not use to being the centre of attention. She gave a small wave. "Angel is a person name that the Luna would like to call me personally." Jessie breathed a sigh of relief that she thought of that quickly. As she is no Angel. "I am known as Jessica but you all can call me Jessie."

Unbeknownst to Jessie a lot of older pack members started looking between themselves as she said that name. Twenty years ago there was a pack wolf called Jessica and none ever since.

The shocked looks on the elder wolves face did not go unnoticed by Brandon. He thought he saw a couple of them shocked. Nearly everyone above the age of forty. His eyes fell on an older blonde woman who didn't look as shocked as her mate. She was smiling as if this was expected. Brandon put her name in his mental file to go and speak with her later. She seemed to know more than the rest. Brandon took one last look around the room before he departed. There was one last thing that he had to do. A secret mission from his father.

"Why are you not on stage with the rest of the family?" Heaven asked her older brother. She knew something was wrong. He has been acting strangely since Jessie has arrived.

Xander stood at the back of the crowd. His eyes staring through the people, while watching the woman on the stage. Part of him wanted to run up there and claim her for the whole world to see. The other part wanted to shift and run into the mountains. To disappear from life as he knows it.

"Did you get what I asked for?" His eyes never wavered from the stage as he felt Heaven place the object in his hand.

"This is silly." She leaned in closer to him to whisper quietly. "Just tell me what is going on. Why do you need this?"

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