Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9

"Dad!" Heaven screamed when she got back to the pack house. The enforcers were running behind her. They knew something was wrong when her wolf came running back onto the pack lands in a rush. She did not stop to speak to them but carried on running to the pack house then shifted whilst she was inside. "Dad!"

One of the ladies rushed to her side to wrap a robe around her to shield her nudity. Most people walk around in next to nothing but her being the alphas daughter she commanded more respect.

"What with all the shouting?" Lisa called from the top of the bannister.

"Mum." Heaven said with relief. "Some rogues tried to take me at the mall. They have got my friends. My friends."

"Do they have my daughter?"

Heaven looked up to the man that talked. He was looking at her stricken. She nodded her head in an answer. He shifted on the spot his clothes shredding to pieces he let out a mournful howl then ran out of the pack house in the direction that Heaven came from.

Lisa came running down the steps to hold her daughter in her arms. "Aw My baby."

"I just heard." Alex came running into the foyer. "I want a group of men at the Mall now and trackers. I want them girls found as soon as possible."

The rest of the enforcers shifted as they ran back into the woods. A couple of the ladies came by to clean up the mess of torn clothes. The Alpha came and sat down on the floor to hold his daughter in his arms.

"I love you Heaven. How did you escape?" Alex asked. He could see that most of the pack must of heard about the news as they were now attempting to come inside the pack house however most of them lingered outside to give the Alpha family some private time alone.

"The girls..." She stammered. "They cause a diversion to make it possible for me to escape. They wanted me to leave. They did not attempt to try and save themselves."

"You are their Alpha female. It was their first duty to protect you." Lisa explained.

"I need to go and put some procedures in place." Alex stood up to make his exit. "I am putting the pack on lock down till we can see where this threat came from."

Brandon was surrounded by Alpha's. He could smell their blood. The testosterone was thick in the air but somehow they all managed to get along.

"Men!" Alpha Alex announced to the men that was at a camp just a mile out from the bar. "This is Brandon. The son of the Alpha of the moonstone pack. He will be joining us in gaining Intel at the Dark moon pack."

The rest of the men nodded their head in recognition of that statement. "I suggest we get some rest for tonight at 13 hundred hours we will descend on the pack for Intel."

Max nodded his head in the direction for Brandon and his Beta Rogers to follow him deeper into the woods so that they could have a private conversation.

"So pup your father sent you on this solo mission." Rogers said lighting up a cigar with his left eye looking at the young wolf.

Brandon stared back at him, just because he was young they think they are able to shove him about. It was the wolf way that the strong always survive.

"I am strong enough to be able to gather Intel by myself." Brandon gave a sarcastic laugh. "You had to come with an army of men whilst all my dad had to send was me."

Rogers gave a puff of smoke out in the air. "You talk the talk pup. But the question is can you walk the walk."

"Enough." Max growled. "I am pissed off. Sebastian managed to hide your sister away from me for over twenty years. I have been watching over that pack and entering their lands for that amount of time and did not see anything. They hidden information from me." He pounded his arm on his chest. "From ME!"

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