Chapter 11

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Hello guys :) For the first time, the story will be from John's POV, and then Ella's. I hope you enjoy it :)

Actually, John's really good looking. The photo on the side is of Jesse Williams, whom I've chosen to be him in this story. Enjoy!

Chapter 11- John’s POV

I had just gotten home and set my briefcase on the table when my mobile phone started ringing. With a sigh, I pulled it out of my pocket and checked the caller ID. Edward. Damn, what did he want now? Ever since all of that crap with Nathan and his mum, he’s just been a big baby, constantly needing help from me. I pushed the red button, hanging up on him, and took a deep breath. I didn’t need any more drama.

He called again a few seconds later. This time, I knew I had to answer his call, so I pressed the green button. “What’s wrong now?” I asked grumpily.

“Can you come over here please?” He sounded shocked and frightened.

“I just got home this second,” I complained. I really wasn’t in the mood to go to his place.

“John, please. Someone has been in my house.”

My ears pricked up. “What? Did you check if they’re still in there?”

He sounded really freaked out now. “No, I didn’t. Why, do you think they’re still in here?”

“I don’t know! I’m coming over now, okay?” I walked towards the front door.

“Yeah, please do! I think I know who’s doing this, anyway.”

I stopped in my tracks. “Really?”

“Yeah. Just, please come over.”

“I’ll be right there.” I hung up on him. Luckily for him I lived only ten minutes away from him. As I walked to my car, I wondered what he was on about this time. I started driving towards his place.

Crazy, stupid Edward. That was the only way I could describe him these days. He was so lucky to have Beth, yet he didn’t even care about her. I liked her so much, I’d literally do anything to be with her.

And not just her. There was someone whom I’d started to like more than Beth these days.

I pulled up outside of his house and parked. Then I took out the keys- yes, I had keys to his house, which he’d given to me last year, and put them in the lock. When I opened the door, there was nothing that seemed to be out of the ordinary. Everything looked in its place, all neat and organised.

Edward emerged from the kitchen. “Hey, come in here and take a look,” he said. I followed him inside and looked around, but there didn’t seem to be anything out of the ordinary. I saw him stopping in front of the kitchen table.

Ohh, what was this? The table was covered in photographs, all of them next to each other, forming like a sequence, or timeline, of events. From where I was standing, I couldn’t see what was in the pictures though. I moved closer.

What was in the pictures shocked me. It was as if someone had caught Edward doing all of this illegal stuff during the years, and had taken photographic evidence of it. And then it also dawned to me... I didn’t know Edward had done any of this. Well, except for being with Nathan’s mum and being too close to Ella.

I looked at him in disbelief. “You’re unbelievable.” I shook my head. “What the hell is this? Is this what you’ve been doing throughout your life?”

“Not my deeds are what’s worrying me, but the fact that someone is threatening me with them,” he said, in a low voice, barely enough for me to hear.  “And this someone has been stalking me, since like, forever.”

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