Chapter 15

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Hi guys, this is Chapter 15 :) I hope it's good, enjoy :) 

I posted a photo of Nathan on the side.

Chapter 15- Mr James’s POV

The knock on my classroom door brought me back to reality, and before I knew it, Ella was on her feet and walking towards an easel, pretending to be drawing something. I smiled gratefully at her and cleared my throat.

“Uh, come in,” I said, grabbing a pencil in hand. This was so weird, who could be behind that door right at that moment when I was going to tell Ella how I felt? He’d ruined my chance.

The door opened and to my utter surprise, the principal walked in. I stood up in shock, well aware of the possibility that I could be fired soon. “Afternoon, sir,” I greeted him, feeling my heart almost bursting out of my chest. I glanced at Ella, who was looking at me with fearful eyes, while the principal closed the door behind him.

“Afternoon to you too, Edward,” he said, glancing at me from over his small framed glasses. He noticed Ella standing near the easel, and gave me a questionable glance. “What’s this?” he asked in his monotone voice. His expression hardly ever changes, but in this case, it did, which is why this didn’t look good.

I took a deep breath. “Uh, I’m waiting for a couple of more students to arrive. I’m going to give them an extra lesson, because they missed their lesson last Friday, and it was quite important,” I fibbed.

Mr Barnes nodded and smiled at me. “You’ve always been a good teacher, Edward. Keep up the good work.”

Mr Barnes was a sixty-something year old man, who had been the principal of our school for around twelve years. He was a short person, and had ruffled white hair and small rimmed black glasses. He was very kind, but he had a look about him which could scare the crap out of people. I remember John being scared like hell last year when he first met him. I smirked at the memory of that. Kids...

Needless to say,  Mr Barnes was quite strict, and he expected us to observe all school rules, some of which I’d been breaking quite a lot lately...

I smiled at him. “So what brings you here, sir?” I asked politely.

“Oh, yes, right. This,” he said, motioning to a paper which he had been holding in his hand. I felt my pulse quicken as I assumed what it was that he held in his hand. He solemnly gave it to me, and I unfolded it slowly. My eyes widened as I saw what it was. It wasn’t me on the photo, but it was John. And it was the same photo that had been posted in my letterbox, with the girl blurred out and all. I glanced at it, folded it back to how it was originally, and lifted my eyes up to meet the principal’s. His face was now a bit red.

“I-uh,” I mumbled. “Where did you get this, if I may ask?”

“I found it on my desk this morning, folded in that way. I don’t know what it is supposed to mean but,” he paused, glancing at Ella, who was sketching a jug that was on one of the tables. He lowered his voice and continued, “this is a serious matter. I don’t know why this was left on my desk, but it looks like someone wanted me to see it.” He paused and seemed to think of a moment, then continued. “It is most definitely all right for teachers to date whoever they want to date, as long as it’s not a student, and it is okay for them to take photos during their relationships. But it is not adequate for these photos to be going around the school, with the risk of students seeing them. If this repeats itself, I would have to fire Mr Abbott. John is not that kind of person, but I cannot have teachers with this reputation in our school.”

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