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::: Niall lifted the bottle to his lips and took a long swig, the liquid being like fire slithering down his throat until it settled inside his belly, turning warm and feeling refreshing.

With his other hand, he lifted another bottle and pressed down on the nozzle. The whip cream hissed as it filled his mouth, falling over the sides which created himself an accidental whip creamed-beard.

"Ho, ho—whoa!" He nearly kicked the bucket early as he looked up to see a figure in the hallway, right by the entrance just staring at him. "What the hell? You scared me," Niall mumbled once he made out the face of the figure.

The figure laughed as Niall used both his hands to push the cream into his mouth. He didn't even bother licking up the rest, either, it just sat there on his chin and cheeks to dry.

"Really, Niall?" His best friend smiled in amusement as he neared the couch that Niall sat on.

Niall's long legs were open and his barefoot was on top of the glass table, right beside the empty plates and boxes of random food he found in the kitchen that littered the small table. He was wearing a robe he didn't even bother to tie properly (the left pocket was drenched in the whiskey he had spilled).

What made it worse is that the robe wasn't even his, it was Zuri's. And every time he smelled her scent on it, he would tear up before going to raid his empty kitchen for more food to add to his alcohol dominant stomach.

"What, Ty?" Niall asked innocently, rolling his eyes as Tyson shoved his legs aside and plopped down on the couch.

Tyson immediately recoiled with a disgusted expression, his fingers swiping at the back of his pants as he craned his neck to see it. "What the fuck, Niall?" Tyson muttered irritably, grabbing a pillow and rubbing it across his butt, trying to remove the stain that was smothered onto his jeans.

"What the fuck, Tyson?" Niall accidentally mimicked, eyes wide as Tyson continued to move the pillow across the Nutella stain on the back pocket of his red jeans. "Zuri's mom bought us this sofa set, you asshole!" He exclaimed.

"Says the tipsy fat ass who has food all over it," Tyson scoffed. "Why didn't you tell me there was a plate full of Nutella right here?" Tyson asked Niall, tossing the pillow at his face as he went to take a seat at the other couch. He made sure to look down before plummeting on top of it.

"You knew that my fat ass had food all over the couch, you should have known there was a plate of Nutella sitting there, too," Niall said with a shrug. "No one told you to sit down and evade my space," he said, tossing the pillow back at Tyson before lifting the can of whipped cream to his lips again. "How the hell did you get in, anyways?" He suddenly asked.

"You put your spare key in the most obvious place ever," Tyson said, leaning back in the cushioned couch and studying the single key in his hand. "It was in the mailbox."

"We don't have a spare. Zuri must've left it..." Niall sighed. "Wait, what were you doing in my mailbox in the first place?" Niall suddenly asked, furrowing his eyebrows in the direction of his friend.

"You ask a lot of questions," Tyson sighed, leaning forward so that he was dramatically looking Niall square in the eye. "What's up with you, man? Like... Emotionally and shit?" He asked inquisitively, instead.

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