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::: It was days after Niall confessed everything to Zuri in the hospital, and she still wasn't showing any signs of recovery. She wasn't getting worse, but she wasn't getting better either.

He had just gotten back from visiting Zuria for the second time that day (he had left before to grab Zinovia, him, Zenara (the third and second oldest sister) and even Tessa something to eat) and was determined on taking a short catnap.

Niall lowered onto the couch, not being able to sleep alone in their bed ever since that day without Zuri. He sunk down into the soft cushion (it was only soft because he barely slept on it—he was always in the hospital) and sighed.

Just as he closed his eyes, his phone rung. He sighed again and fumbled around blindly for the buzzing device singing out one of the many songs he made about Zuri—'you and I'—before getting ahold of it. He lifted it to his eyes and saw 'LIAM' on the screen.

Liam is one of his band mates. Their band isn't that big but they aren't small either. Everyone in their town and even all over knew about One Direction and always came to see them whenever they had a show close by.

They were supposed to be going on tour but Zuria's accident happened and tour was the last thing on Niall's mind.

Niall answered, "'Ello?"

"He answered, guys!" Liam suddenly spoke into the background before speaking into the phone. "Hello? Niall, where've ya been? We've been worried sick about ya!"

Liam tended to sound like an overprotective mother at times, which earned him a role as the 'dad' of their little band, but really, he was secretly the wildest of them all. Well, besides Harry. No one was wilder than that one!

"I'm okay," Niall sighed into the phone, suddenly growing tired upon answering. "I meant to call you but a lot has been happening."

"Yeah, we heard!" Louis spoke in the background (Harry made Liam put the phone on speaker).

"You good, mate?" Harry asked, his voice coming out distorted from his lips being so close to the speaker.

"I'm trying to be," Niall told them, sitting up a little so that he was resting his back up against the arm rest of the couch Zoanna bought them. "I'm really sorry for not calling. You're my friends and band mates, I should've called."

"Don't worry 'bout it," Liam told him. "We understand so don't worry. We're in the studio now but had to call to check up on ya. You say you're good?"

"Yeah, I'm good," Niall told them, though the bags underneath his eyes was telling him otherwise. "I was actually about to get some sleep before I went back up to the hospital..."

"Oh. Well go 'head and sleep," Liam said, his voice an obvious frown even over the phone line. But he understood why Niall needed the sleep. "We'll talk to you later, no big deal."

"You should stop by the hospital?" Niall suddenly suggested, not immediately regretting it until he heard a loud crash in the background. "What was that?" He rose an eyebrow as the line grew quiet.

"Louis! What made ya think that you can crowd surf the guitars?!" Niall heard Liam exclaim over the speaker phone.

"Shut up, Liam, I'm drunk! This shit hurts..." He also heard Louis groan painfully.

"Well, that's what ya get!" Liam said, chuckling as he seemed to pick up the phone. "Hello? Yeah so—ouch! Ooh, Lou, you better run!"

"That wasn't me!" Louis said defensively. "Try the cheeky lad behind ya!"

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