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::: "We should start making you pay rent," Tessa came into view, causing Niall to look up from his pen and paper. "You never left after visiting hours were over?" She asked with a small smile.

"I didn't think they would have a problem with me sitting here," Niall told her, tucking his pen into the coiled ring of the notepad and sitting it beside him.

"What's that?" Tessa glanced down at the notepad. "A song? I heard about what you did today. That was awesome of you."

"Thanks," Niall said, taking the notepad in his hands again. "Yeah, I was working on a song. But it's like I can't write a single word if I'm not in the same room as Zuri."

"Well you got about..." Tessa glanced down at her watch. "...9 more hours until you can go in. You should go home, get some rest. Zuri will be here when you get back, you shouldn't wear yourself out."

Niall knew that she was right. He had managed to grow large bags underneath his eyes and when passing a window on the street to grab Zuri's flowers, he noticed he had a hunch in his back. He didn't really care about dressing up anymore and wore sweatpants most of the time.

"No, it's okay—" as Niall was about to disagree with her, a yawn ironically escaped his parted, pink lips. He chuckled to himself and finally nodded in defeat, standing up and stretching his arms out to his sides. "See ya tomorrow, Tess."

"Good night, Niall," Tessa said as he walked towards the exit.

Instead of going home, Niall went to a pub and sat on a stool, his eyes catching sight of the large, blinking sign of the bar, with an animated beer glass spilling out.

"Nialler, ya Irish ass!" Lance, the bartender, exclaimed once he spotted Niall a few stools down. "Where've ya been? I ain't seen ya in dogs years!"

"I've been busy, a lot on my plate," Niall only said, sighing.

"An' not enough in your glass, huh? What can I get ya tonight?" Lance questioned. "Your usual?" He grabbed a glass and sat it in front of Niall.

Niall shook his head, pushing the glass away. "I came here because..." He paused, not knowing why he came to a bar at 10 o'clock at night in the first place. "I guess I just wanted to sit here for a while an' just think."

"What?" Lance rose an eyebrow. "Cmon, stop playin'. What'd ya want?" He grinned, thinking Niall was kidding around.

"I, uh, stopped drinking, Lanny," Niall informed him.

Lance stared at him, thinking that he would start laughing, slap the counter and order up a pair of shots. But Niall didn't, he just looked up at the television and began watching the soccer game playing.

"Well why'd ya come inside a bar?" Lance questioned with a sigh. "You okay? You ain't lookin' too good."

"I'm trying to be," Niall told him, combing his fingers through his bleached blond hair. "Things haven't been so lucky for me," he vaguely said, thinking about how Zuri has been in a coma for two weeks now. "I just can't take this pain, man," Niall's eyes suddenly swelled up with tears.

"Did someone die?" Lance suddenly asked Niall, his elbows going down onto the counter as he leaned forward. His breath reeked of alcohol. He was the only bartender there who drank on the job. But he knew how to hold his alcohol until the end of his shift which was nearing.

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