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::: Each red light felt like a shot to Niall's heart. It seemed as if every light was turning red, prolonging its ability to turn green, and making him later and later.

"Can we drive this piece of crap any faster?" Niall seethed towards Tyson, at the edge of his seat as traffic swarmed around them. "Or, at least, faster than this?" He referred 'this' to Tyson's speed limit.

"I am driving fast," Tyson sighed. "If I drive any faster, we would be pulled over and that would take even longer. I'm already speeding," Tyson explained. "And this isn't a piece of shit, just 'cause I like old school better than what you, my wife and everyone else have."

"Well..." Niall looked around, trying to spot another way around traffic. Once failing, he groaned and fell back into his seat. "It's all my fault... I-I..." Pausing, Niall just began sobbing quietly as he sunk down further.

Tyson looked over at Niall briefly, who was gripping a fist full of his blond hair in his sweaty, clenched palms. "She's still gonna be there when we get there, Niall," Tyson said, "just breathe."

Niall didn't speak as he buried his face into his hands, hoping that traffic would somehow pulverize and turn every light into a bright, Everest green, similar to Zuri's favorite color.


Niall's rushed footsteps led him inside the hospital and all the way up to the receptionist desk, leaving Tyson far behind to park his car.

Niall had jumped out as Tyson was taking too long to park. The car wasn't moving fast-probably not at all, so he just...jumped out.

Now, he nearly screamed "Zuria Anelle Pierce" to the lady, who seemed to not hear him the first time. He was no longer crying, but his voice was a mess: hoarse, parched, low and dried up.

"I'm her boyfriend," he added. "Which room is she in?"

"We have a Zuria Anelle Pierce," the lady mumbled, her fingers whizzing over the keyboard as she typed. Suddenly, they slowed to a steady stop on letter's C and O, her expression suddenly changing.

"What?" Niall asked, his face falling but also managing to harden at her expression. "D-Did she..." It was even harder for him to get the words out, sudden tears brimming his eyes as his eyelids grew heavy. "Did she not make it?" He asked painfully.

"Oh, no," the lady shook her head quickly. "She made it. It's just, we know who you are... You're Niall Horan?" Niall nodded at her words, not seeing where she was getting at. "I'm sorry, but her parents requested that you not see her."

"What?" Niall exclaimed, bewildered. "Look," he sighed, his hands gripping the corners of her desk until his knuckled whitened, "just show me the room. I won't be all day, I prom-"

"I'm so sorry," the lady apologized curtly, before looking back down at her keyboard.

"Fuck!!" Niall, frustrated, slammed his fist down against her desk, causing her to flinch and an officer nearby to look over.

"Everything alright over there?" The officer questioned, slowly making his way over.

"Uh..." Niall looked down at the frightened face of the receptionist and sighed, combing his hair back as his anger waned. "Sorry... Um, can I wait out here...please?" He asked the lady, or officer-whichever was now in charge since his outburst.

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