The white shadow in the kitchen

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This happened towards the end of 2013. It was winter break. One night I couldn't sleep, so I decided to go for a midnight snack. Everyone's done that before, right?

My parents turn off all the nights, so it's dark, especially in the hallway, oh my god. So after a long battle on trying to find my glasses and know where I'm going, I finally make it down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen and turn on one of the lights. We have this sliding glass door in the back of the kitchen, overlooking the backyard. When it's dark, you can see your reflection in it. Well, when I looked into the glass, for a moment I see this short-white, fuzzy shadow. It was only for a moment, and it quickly vanished. I grabbed a pudding and quickly walked out.

I also sometimes see a short-white, fuzzy shadow fly by out of the corner of my eye when I eat at dinner in the kitchen. I've seen it a few times.

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