Footsteps down the hallway [creepy]

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So this happened around 6am this morning. And I found it terrifying and extremely unsettling. I just got a bad feeling from it.

So I woke up sometime this morning for some reason, and sat awake for a few minutes. I suddenly heard pretty loud footsteps walk down the hallway, and stopped at the room next to mine (yellow/mirror room). It sounded like someome speed walking, to be honest - it felt like someone was in a hurry to get to the room.

Anyways, once the footsteps ended, I laid still, and didn't move. I didn't want to move. I... Felt like someone, or something was standing at my door and looking at me. I felt extremely unsafe, and I was even trying to slow my breathing down. I really felt like something was in my room, and watching me, and if I moved.. I could get injured.

I finally forced myself to look at the door, but nothing was there. I even shined my phone's flashlight towards the door too, just to make sure.

I really haven't felt this unsafe from something in a looong time. Whatever it was that made those footsteps... I really hope its gone!

And my chest has been hurting too for no reason.

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