Chapter 3: In Reality, Final Bosses Don't Come At the Very End

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he first floor entrance, the doorway to the dungeon where newbie adventurers gather. I was one of them. Not too far away from the entrance I looked around and saw a group of adventurers, high level ones at that.
They walked together with bright shining expensive looking armor and equipment. Leading the group of five was a human male wielding sword and a scutum shield in another followed by another human male this time a hefty man with large powerful muscles with a great sword sheathed on his back. A dwarven man walked alongside the shield bearer an axe in each hand with his powerful muscles rippling with each movement he made, you would dare say he was even more toned that the man wielding the great sword. At the end of the party two females brought up the rear of which there was a human mage with regal looking robes and a haughty, sharp look and an elf with pure white robes made with the finest quality threads, she donned a calm, stern look on her face.

A party with a cleric, truly a fully-fledged party.

They said nothing nor did they take any jeering actions towards the beginner adventurers, they just walked by normally, but their presence bore down and demanded respect. Apart from the chilling silent atmosphere of [The Dungeon] the atmosphere took another layer of tension. The beginner adventurers and some middle tiered ones as well subconsciously made way for them.

Some pretending to mind their own business while sneaking furtive glances behind them.

I was already on the side and looked on in silence at their passing along with the other newbies blatantly looking on as they moved past.

Time itself seemed to stretch as they passed. It was a few meters of distance between them and the crowd of lower tiered adventurers.

The burly great sword wielder looked back and waved saying "Good luck out there newbies Ahahaha!"

"Ugh would you stop fraternizing with the greenhorns already? It's unbecoming" snapped the magician.

"Aww don't be like that, you were a greenhorn too at one point right?"

"Urgh,that's not the point, you have to keep your aura as an expert distinct, you can just go mixing in with them" she replied pointing waving her index finger as if imparting knowledge.

"You talk like this but you aren't as cruel and mean as you show yourself to be."

"Guys, guys..." the frontliner seemed to try and placate the situation.

"Hahaha, oh you two." the dwarf guffawed.

They chatted as they gained distance from us as if nothing had happened. The atmosphere warmed up after the pressure left leaving the newcomers feeling a little sheepish for gawking at them.

Not wanting to stay too long feeling awkward I resumed my hunt for monsters.

It was getting harder and harder find a target the level of monsters appearing from before were good for practicing when you were new but bad for gaining money, now they monster levels were so low you had jostle with 2-3 people to get to it. The obvious answer would be to go deeper where the monster scarcity wasn't there but that exposed you too many monsters of too strong a level, ones which newcomers wouldn't be able to handle.

But now at this moment, the upper floor seemed even more barren than it was before and the monsters... seemed... nervous, afraid of something.

Well if you were an adventurer you couldn't be afraid of every little detail right?

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