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Thank you reader for reaching the end of this story, I'm the author.

To the point, my story isn't completely set, there are some errors here and there I know.Probably mostly grammar but there may be some flaws in the story's events themselves and what I'd like from you is feedback on it. Was there anything strange or too odd about it? Was it too long? Should it be in smaller pieces? If so I'd like you to say something. Some critical outlook is appreciated, especially with the goal I have in mind in creating this.

Haha high standards for myself.

Of course don't be a total jerkarse here I haz feel too ;-;

I'm not perfect and I do make mistakes and quite frankly I'd like a whole lot of feedback.

Shout out to my 2 pals and thanks for all their hard work. Some of these scenes may have not been as good if not for their input. Even though as I'm writing this one is still going through this story not having finished it *cough*

Regardless I still do no matter how much I pester them to the point of irritation to read this mess I do really, really appreciate their help—if only one could read faster pls

When I made this story I had inspiration to write from one of my friends, I thank him for that. I don't regret writing, it's been fun. And for the most part I do it because I want to, cuz I find it fun.

  So, t I should get to the meat of things. The story. For the first afterword--how I made Logan.

Before he was merely a nameless main character floating around in my mind. I always did have within a corner of my mind an MC who was part dragon, who could breathe fire who could transform like that and have red eyes. And within the corner of my mind chocked full with fantasy and epic battles and fights I always had a character like that amidst the brawl. But that character never had a name, nor did he have a personality. He was just a figment of my imagination battling it out because he looked cool and when the battle was over I'd simply stash em' in the back of my mind til the next fight.

Sadly my art skill is 0 so I can't paint a pretty picture for you.

But a certain chain of events and happenings spurred me to create a story. To solidify his character, to make him an individual.

(I'm assuming you know what avenue of entertainment I'm referring to)

Most MCs now a days have...jerkish personalities. That's what gave birth to Logan. That's what molded his personality into being. I was at that so fed up with the "huerhuerheur I found a secret haXor_Xz path and now level 99 cuz I got betrayed angst power fantasy" stories and also how people bashed on the less edgy of the MCs and kept hoping that'd he'd get betrayed and then become cold and ruthless and hope they'd get a massive power up despite it being terrible writing. So with all of that, ideas were forming, and a character was taking shape in my mind >.>

I wanted Logan to be...despite being trampled on or laughed at he wouldn't cry like a baby and go hate humanity cuz some people did bad things to him. I wanted Logan to be a nice guy. I wanted to show a story where the MC could be a nice person and still be badass. I wanted him to be the kind of person who would throw some money to beggars in the street, I wanted him to be the kind of person that if you were hurt on the ground in the street and everyone just stood there in a crowd that he'd be the one to squeeze through the crowd to lend you a hand to help you up, I wanted him to be the kinda guy who if you had troubles in life he'd be there to pat u on the back n cry with you, I wanted him to be the kinda guy who if his friend was going the wrong way in life he'd be there to punch you for it. I wanted him to be the kind of guy who if his friend was gonna do something with his life he'd support him. If his friends were in trouble he'd give advice. I wanted him to be as they say "real. A real nigga." If you got into a fight he'd jump in and fight alongside you. I wanted if you had troubles you could come n tell him or if you had secrets you could tell him n know he wouldn't tell a soul. I wanted him to be a person who had your back when things got rough.

Well long story short...

...I wanted him to

    ...Finishingoff, I really hope you all enjoyed this story. I hope that it was up to par with a decent published book. Though that'sonly poor wishful thinking at this stage. I hope I get better andthank you who read this for sitting through this huge pile of text. I know howhard it is to read something with zero art and I find it hard to read massive textwalls of "non-pro" books online myself.

But I digress, thanks for reading and until next time, this isn't the end of the tale after all....

Was the dragon fight interesting? I think I managed the closed room situation really well.

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