Chapter 6 ::Trust Me::

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I shake my head, "just forget about it."

"You can trust me. I won't tell anyone."

"I-I can't" I shake my head and run out of the car and into my house.

I'm not ready.

I run into my room and sit on my window seat. My dark purple curtains were hanging to the sides, and when I look on the floor theres a outline of me from the moon shinning.

Knock, knock.

A rock was hitting the window, I look down to see Tyler standing there.

I didn't realize I was crying until he said, "why are you crying? Is it something I said?"

I open my window and peer down at him, "go to the front door..." Then I close the window.

I run down the stairs and to the front door, and right there was Tyler standing there.

I felt like I could trust Tyler, and if he did say anything I think we all know I'd beat his ass in. But really, I do feel like I can trust him, like a connection, like he feels and knows exactly where I'm coming from, even if he doesn't know just yet.

"Let me explain" I stand to the side and let him in. Once he stepped in I closed the door behind him.

We walk into my living room, the cream coloured walls surrounded us. We sat down on the light brown leather couch. My heart thumped against my chest, whether it was axiety or just a person actually being in my home. I don't know.

I started to explain.

"I've been avoiding this topic for a while. I hate it. I feel vaulnarable, because it makes me cry, and it's extremely personal." I look down at my feet, "be as vaulnarable as you would like, I wouldn't make fun of you and I won't tell anyone."

"When I was six, my parents adopted a 18 year old. Ten years I know. He hates me, and wants nothing to do with me. Ever since I knew him he's always been a ass. I think the only reason my parents adopted him was just so he could 'take care' of me, because not even a week later." Tears started to run down my face, and Tyler wipes them off my face with his thumb.

"They both left me. Tyler I've been living in this house by myself all my life pretty much, when I turned ten, my brother left me to. For seven years I've been mowing lawns for a second job, while I get paid to fight. I'm alone. I have to fend for myself. This is all I got."

Tyler gives me a look of pain. Jeez, for a bad boy he's awful soft.

"I feel really bad" he looks at me.

"I had two friends, and they both left me" my tears became rivers flowing down my cheeks.

"What happened?"

"Melissa was her name. She was my best friend. We met in grade five. We knew everything about each other. We were one of those friends that did friendship goals. Little did I know about her though. I knew she had some family issues, but I never knew she was abused, and I never knew she was bullied at school. She texted me one day. It said she wouldn't be going to school for a while. It sounded werid but I just shrugged it off. Later I found a note on my front door, it was in her hand writing. When I picked it up to read it, I fell to my knees and cried, I knew it was to late to save her. She committed suicide. Tyler I was only in grade five, she blamed it on me because I could've helped her. But I didn't. Because I didn't know."

"What about the other one?"

"His name was Daniel, he and I where best of friends, we met in grade four. One day, just one day. He started to spread my secrets through school, he started making fun of me, teasing me, and then physically and verbally bullying me. After a while, he moved. But the secrets sticked, and the names became permanent. I was still bullied, but not from him, but from the popular people. They all hated me, and it didn't help that at that point, I had a crush on one of them. He was the worst of them all, like he didn't want me liking him. But since then, I've always been bullied. And since then, I started to believe."

I face the ground, but instantly Tyler puts his hand under my chin and tugs it up so I'm looking at him.

"I'm really sorry."

He pulls me into a hug.

"It's ok, I feel better now."


I wake up on my couch with Tyler hugging me still in his sleep.

My eyes widen.




I move his arm off of me, but then it tensed and his eyes fluttered open, still spooning me.

"Good morning" Tyler says calmly. How can he be so cool in such a awkward position?

"Move the arm or loose it."

"Ouch, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning" he fakes taken aback.

"More like couch" I roll my eyes and scoff, "now move."

He slowly moves his arm off me, I get up off the couch and head to the kitchen and Tyler follows.

"Whatcha doin?"

I grab a pizza out of the fridge and put it in the microwave.

"Having breakfast."

"Wow! Pizza for breakfast! I should come here more often!"

"No, you shouldn't ."


"Why not?"

Tyler rolls his eyes.

"Sooo, Cupcake? What do you want to do today?"

We sit down at the dining room table and eat pizza. At the nickname Cupcake I elbow him In the rib cage.

"Ok, I deserved that" he says trying to catch his breath.

"What do you want to do? Mr. Soft bad boy."

He rolls his eyes "Spray paint some walls."



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