Chapter 16 ::Notes::

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Later Tyler drove home, and I was left alone.

I was up in my room when I hear a knock at the door. Babe starts to bark and running at the door. When I get to the door babe was growling. Great.

I open the door, I look around. No one. Not even a car.

I look at the door and see a letter taped.

I grabbed the taped note.

For a pretty girl, your not that smart. Do you know who you are dealing with? I mean, it would kill me, to kill you!

Maybe you'll start to like my kind of dangerous? How do you like dangerous guys?

Right, back on topic. The reason there is a note taped onto your door is. Your in a dangerous place, I mean, if you don't give me what I want then your dead. Sorry babe.

It's part of the business, I want ten thousand million dollars, and a one night stand. Maybe. I'll be watching, I'll keep in touch hunny.


Your Nightmare And Babe.

I gasp and run inside, I close the door and lock it, I close all the blinds.

I take out my phone and text Tyler.

S: TYLER! IM NOT SAFE! Meet me somewheres. Idk I'm being followed!

T: This is not good, how about u go to my house and stay a couple nights? I mean nobody would go and stalk u after they see ur with me? Right?

S: Pick me up? O.o

T: Ok 😒

I run up the stairs and pack my bag, I grabbed a couple shirts, pants yada yada yada. I was planning on staying a couple nights because obviously one night wouldn't be good enough really.

Knock knock.

S: Tyler... There is someone at my door!

T: That's me dumbass.

S: Oh.

I run down the stairs and open the door to Tyler. Babe was with Drake for a while,  drake knew sometimes I needed a break from everything, even my best friend. Sad, but it's true.

I close and lock the door behind me, we walk to his car and start to drive away.

I walk into his house, "do you live alone?" I ask.

"No, my parents won't be home for a while" Tyler says, "now, why do you think your being followed?" He asks, I hand him the note.

"For a pretty girl, your not that smart. Blah blah blah! I mean, it would kill me, to kill you! Maybe you'll start to likes my kind of dangerous? How do you like dangerous guys? Blah blah blah. Right, back on topic. The reason there is a note taped onto your door is. Your in a dangerous place, I mean, if you don't give me what I want then your dead. Sorry babe. Blah. It's part of the business, I want ten thousand million dollars, and a one night stand. Maybe. I'll be watching, I'll keep in touch hunny.

The Stupid Idiot." Tyler reads the letter out loud, making me laugh when he says blah and 'signed, the stupid idiot'.

"Well than. How about you stick with me for a while?" He says.


Knock knock.

Tyler and I walk to the front door another note sticking to his door.

I know your here hunny. You can't run, and you can't hide. I'll find you.


Your Worst Nightmare And Babe.

Tyler rolls his eyes, he storms outside.

"You Want The Money!" he yells, "Well Guess What! Your not fucking getting it you prick! You wanna kill her! You'll have to fight me first!"

"Tyler!" I yell.

"That can be arranged" a lean man, with black hair and pericing blue eyes walks out from behind the house.

This is going to be bad.

"Ahh, my beauty is out with us to!" The man says looking at me, "oh Sasha, you look stunning today."

I stand straighter and say, "your a fucking creep, leave me alone you clown." I stare at him in the eyes, blank faced.

Meanwhile Tyler was staring at him it looks like be was going to explode he was so red. Tyler definatly had death in his eyes.

"That hurt sweetheart" he puts a hand on his heart. "You will make it up soon though my pretty."

"Just leave me the fuck alone."

"I'm sorry hunny, that's going to be impossible. Your to damn beautiful, it's nearly impossible to keep my hands off you right now." When he says that, it send a shiver up my spin. Tyler lunged at the creep.

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