Chapter 1

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Your POV
As I put my hair up and I checked myself in the mirror once more.

"Hurry up (y/n)! Your going to be late." Hanji said.

"Sorry!! Im coming!!" I said as I ran out of my room to meet Hanji who is ready for work as well.

I have an interview at a writing company that I have always dreamed of being a employer there. The only people I actually know there is this guy named Eren. He got me the application form over Skype.© So I filled it out and sent it off. A few days later the boss wrote me back telling me to come and meet him for the interview.

"Ready?" She said with a smile.
"Ready as I'll ever be!" I said smiling back at her.


As I opened up the car door to Hanji's car I looked up to see Eren going to his car.
"Hey Eren!!" I said smiling at him.

He waved and got in his car. I got in the car and turned up the radio. We rolled down the windows and sang what was on the radio. It felt good to have the wind in my hair driving through the city. Hanji laughed as I sang at the top of my lungs. We pulled up to the building and our jaws dropped. There was a white limo in front of the building. There was so many people with cameras flashing every few seconds. The door opened to revile a black haired man.
"Holy...shit...." I said.

Hanji chuckles and looks at me. I couldn't stop staring. He was clean and had very nice clothes one. He had his hair buzzed a little in the back. His soft grey eyes made my heart skip a beat.

"My....boss is...Mr. Ackerman..." I said staring at Hanji who was staring off into space.

I guess she didn't hear me cause she said she had to leave for work.

"Go! Your going to be fine!" She said.

I rolled my eyes playfully and got out of the car. Hanji pulls away from the parking lot and I take a deep breath. I walk through the clean building. I walk up to the lady at the front desk. She looks at me with a happy expression.

"I-Im here to see Mr. Ackerman for my interview. " I said.
"Your here early! Mr. Ackerman will see you in a bit." She said.

I nodded my head and went over and sat in a chair. I looked through the big glass windows. At all the cars zooming by. I didn't even notice Eren sat next to me.

"Hey. Its time." He said softly.
"Oh! Eren!" I jumped.
"Sorry...but he is ready to see you." Eren smiled.
"Ok." I nodded and got up with Eren.

Eren leads me into an elevator. After a few minutes of being in the elevator he leads me down a hall. He opens up a door and we walk inside.

"Sir Ms. (Y/n) is here to see you." Eren said.
"Alright. Eren you can you can leave." He said looking up.
"Yes sir." Eren said leaving.
"Have a seat." He said moving his hand toward a leather chair.

I walk over and take a seat. I cross my legs very lady like and look up at his soft grey eyes. Levi stacks up his papers and has his full attention on me.

"How many stories have you published?" He asked sternly.
"25 books, sir." I respond.
"Good, good. Have you worked any where else?" He asked.
"Yes, I've been waiting tables for 2 years.." I said.
"Are you bothered by the flashing cameras?" He asked studying my face.
"No, sir." I said.
"Are you bothered that I have so much paparazzi around?" He asked.
"No, sir."
"Your hired." He said getting up.
"Thank you!" I said getting up with him.
"Come here tommrow at 5:30 sharp. Got it?" He ordered.
"Yes, sir and thank you so much." I said shaking his hand.
"I except great things from you. You are very bright and beautiful." He said shaking my hand.

I could feel my cheeks getting warmer. But I just smile.

"Thank you sir. I won't let you down!" I said opening the door to his office to leave.
"Alright. See you tommrow." He said smiling of softly.

I leave his office and ran down the hall smiling. I spot Eren and almost tackle him.
"Did you get it!?" He asked.
"Yes!!!" I squealed.

I start jumping around and making really weird noises. Eren starts laughing at me.

"He must like you." Eren said calming down.
"What!? Eren he is my boss!! Shut up!" I said punching him playfully.
"Well he doesn't hire people like that very often. Usually most people cant even last 5 minutes in his office." He said.
"Oh wow I must be lucky!" I smiled and started walking away.

I opened the door to me and Hanji's apartment to see Hanji on the couch. She look up at me and turned off the Tv. I sat down right beside her and laughed.

"Guess who got the job!!!" I laughed.
"Oh my gods you did it!!" Hanji smiled and hugged me.
"I was so excited when I got it!" I said letting go of Hanji.
"We have to celebrate!!!" She squealed.
"Ok!" I laughed.

I got up and went to go get changed into better clothes. I pulled on a sweater that felt good and look pretty good. I put on some skinny jeans that fit me just right. I walked out to meet Hanji grinning ear to ear on the couch.

"Who did you call over?" I asked making some tea.
"Oh its just one person he is coming here shortly." She answered.
"Hanji, do you have a boyfriend?" I chuckled and turned around sipping my tea.
"No! I would never like this dude! He is just a really good friend!" She laughed.
"Are you going to tell me his name?" I asked.

Then the door bell rang. Hanji got up off the couch and opened the door. I poked me head out to the side to see who it was.
"Oh gods its my boss...Hanji invited my boss over!!!!"

I could hear the door close. I was stressed out. I thought of a plan.

"Hanji could you help me out please?" I asked.

I could hear Hanji talking to Levi.

"Hold on. (Y/n) needs my help." She said.

She walked into the kitchen. I grabbed her shoulders and shook her.

"What the hell would you invite my boss over!?!" I whispered angrily.
"What do you mean?" She whispered.
"Levi is my boss, you invited him over!!" I whispered.
"Oh....oops..." She laughed.
"Didn't you hear me in the car this morning!?" I asked.
"No...sorry..." Hanji said.
"Hanji, please, please, dont do anything stupid." I asked.
"I won't I promise." She promised.

Hanji walked out of the kitchen to meet Levi again. They started talking again. I took a deep breath and walked out with my tea in my hands.

"Oh hey Levi! What a surprise." I smiled.
"Well hello there (y/n). It is a surprise!" He smiled back.

I sat on the couch next Hanji and sipped my tea. Hanji chuckled. I looked at her.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked.
"Oh nothing. You two are so cute.." She smiled.
"H-Hanji!!" I said. I could feel my cheeks getting warmer.

Levi just laughed and leaned his head against the couch. I rolled my eyes playfully. I took another sip of my tea.

"God Hanji....dont screw up this night...."

I Fell In Love With My Boss...[Levi X The Reader]Where stories live. Discover now