Chapter 3

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A few Months later....

I pick up my phone and scroll through my contacts. I pick Levi's contacts and write him and new message.

Y: Hey Hanji is going to take me to work this morning so you dont have to pick me up.

L: Alright just be careful I heard there is a crazy driver on the loose. So just be careful.

I could feel my cheeks getting warmer.

Y: Ok we will. See you at the building! :)

I put my phone in my pocket and head out the door with Hanji. We take the stairs this morning. I start laughing as Hanji start making weird sounds and making it echo through the building.

"Echo! Echo! Echo!" She said.

I laugh once more and walked out of the building. Me and Hanji skip to the car. We were both in a good mood for some reason. I got in the car and so did Hanji.

"So give me the gossip!" She squealed as she turned the car on.

"Well he told us to be careful about the crazy driver." I said resting my head on the window.

"Aw he soo likes you!" She smiled as she turned out of the apartment parking lot.

"I-I wish..." I said looking at the huge buildings.

"He will come to you someday don't worry (y/n)." She said stopping at a red light.

"You like anyone at the hospital?" I asked looking at the red light.

"Nah all the guys there are so cocky, even though they cant even put a band-aid on someone!" She laughed.

I laughed as well and watched the red light turn green. We started driving through the intersection. I look over to the side and see a car coming toward us from the side.

"H-Hanji!?" I said but it was to late.

The car had bulldozed us from my side. It all happened so fast. My vision never focused and all I hear was muffled sounds. I could some sirens as well. I could taste blood in my mouth. When my eyes finally focused I was on a gurney and some guys were loading me into and ambulance. I didn't know what was going on. I looked up to see Hanji on the phone crying.

"Why is she crying?"

Then my vision went blurry again. I blinked and tried to look around but a shot of pain flew through my body. Hanji stepped into the ambulance with me in tears. She started rubbing my head softly in tears. I tried to open my mouth but nothing came out except for a little bit of blood. Hanji covered her mouth and gasped. I felt dizzy. My vision got worst until it went completely black.

Hanji's POV

It happened so fast. After my mind focused again I saw the horror. (Y/n) was crushed. I screamed, I could feel tears in my eyes. I shook her arm trying to wake her up. But all I saw was her eyes closed and blood every where. I moved and kicked the door off of (y/n). I got of the car and ran for (y/n). There was so much blood. I tried to stop the bleeding with my hands until I felt two hands grab my shoulders. Two men tried to pull me away from her.

"No! I dont want to leave her! Please!!" I cried.

But the men just took me away further. I struggled to get out their grip. I looked back at (y/n) with tears in my eyes. I could see four men help her on to a gurney. I get out of the grip of the two men. All I could do was watch her get rolled away. I pull out my phone shakily. I scrolled through my contacts as quickly as I could. I landed on Levi's immediately. I tapped the green cell phone. Small tear drops landed on my phone. I put the my phone up to my ear. I could feel more tears roll down my cheeks as I hear the ringing tone.
"L-Levi.." I pleaded.
"Hanji what's wrong!? I saw what's on the tv!! What's going on!?!" He asked worried.
"T-There w-was an a-accident....a-and (y/n) i-i-is r-really hurt." I sobbed.
"Hanji calm down Im on my way! Got it?" He yelled.
"H-Hurry!" I cried.

I hung up the phone and ran over to the ambulance that held (y/n). I jumped in and looked down at (Y/n). She was in horrible condition. It was almost to much for me to look at her. But I had to stay by her side. I calmly rub her head softly. She opened her mouth and a little bit of blood came out. I gasp and cover my mouth. I could feel more tears run down my cheeks. Her eyes closed again and I let out a small sob.

Levi's POV

I check the clock and see that (y/n) is an hour late. I sigh. I was a little bit worried.

" God...I want to tell her so bad....I want to tell her that I love much..that I cant stop thinking about her. I look forward to our little drives in the morning...I dont mind picking her up...I enjoy her smile every time we drive over the speed limit....I enjoy her cute little texts and emails she sends me every day...I just hope she is ok
...its never like her to be this late...."

"Sir did you see what's going on!?" Eren asked shaking my shoulder to get out of my gaze.

"What is it Eren!?" I asked glaring at him.

Eren grabbed the tv remote off my desk. He pointed it to the tv, he turned the tv on to the news.

Reporter: There was a horrible accident on 6th street with two cars. Two people are in critcle condition while one survives with scratches.

"Thats Hanji's car...." I said under my breath.

I could feel my whole boy fill with fear. I watched as the horrible images on the screen appear on the tv. Of Hanji's car a wreck and the other car a wreck as well. I hear my phone buzz. I cant take my eyes off the tv, I reach over without looking and answer the phone.

"Yes?" Is all I could say.
"L-Levi..." Hanji pleaded.
"Hanji what's wrong!? I saw what's on tv! What's going on!?" I asked worried to death.
"T-There w-was an a-accident....a-and (y/n) i-i-is r-really hurt." She sobbed.
"Hanji clam down Im on my way! Got it?" I said trying to keep it together.
"H-Hurry!" She cried.

I hung up and looked at Eren who looked worriedas well.

"Cancel all of plans for today now!" I ordered running out my office.

"Yes sir!" Eren said.

I ran as fast as I could down the stairs of the building to my car. I opened the door and jumped in. I turned the car and got out of the parking lot as fast as I could. When I got on the road I drove as fast as I could. Going 5 times the speed limit. I flew past a couple of red lights and stop signs.

"Hang in there (y/n) Im coming..."

I Fell In Love With My Boss...[Levi X The Reader]Where stories live. Discover now