Chapter 23: Puddin'

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Soyou guys never told me what you wanted on my profile so I gave you a not solong not so short chapter. Enjoy x

My eyes latched onto sleep tiredly as my body shivered at the cold air biting my face but I could feel movement behind me, a heavy arm dragging me in close, a nose burrowing into my hairline and a rather large object resting in the curve of my lower back.

Tatum had gone to bed naked.

Strangely, this didn't bother me. My groggy mind was too focused on pressing up against the heater of a man behind me. Well, that was until he started kissing and nibbling on a currently very sensitive part of my body which just so happened to be right in his predator sights to send me off into my simmering heat which I had thought and prayed was over.

My mark pulsed jolt after jolt of electricity through my body, waking up my wolf who basically screamed for the man to ravish me all day.

Tatum was breathing in my scent which was powerfully changing into a mating scent coating the room in my embarrassment. I turned my face to try and catch a glimpse of him but before I could even get a chance to see him his lips were attached to mine.

It was as if a fire had exploded from him and burned its way onto my lips and through my body, his left arm snaking its way behind my neck and to my face to keep me plastered in this spot, my head tilted back and my mouth now pleadingly open waiting for more.

He had pulled away to stare at me for only a second, my hooded eyes barely seeing anything but a lusty haze covering the whole room, though two eyes shone brightly through it. Tatum's eyes were glowing, both brilliantly bright but only for a second before he went back to attacking my lips, his warm fingers like blankets on my cold cheek and his breath like a summer breeze between kisses, gentle sucks and bites on my lips.

His other hand moved from wrapping around my chest to my hip, gently moving my hip back as he rolled his hips forward, a hiss leaving his lips and a soft moan leaving mine at the feel of his member now growing against my backside.

My body took on a mind of its own, barely needing any persuasion to roll against Tatum's. He noticed this, his kisses becoming heavy and his body pulling oh so slowly on top of mine.

My face flushed at the remembrance of the last time we were in this position.

Tatum's hungry eyes glared at the fabric between us but he gently weaved his fingers under my white turtle neck sweater and carefully pulled it over my head.

Barely a moment passed before his mouth latched onto his mark. If I was standing I surely would have fallen from the impact of pure lust and need that swept through my body. I was honestly scared I would catch fire the way my skin turned a pink colour at my arousal.

Tatum's kisses slowly traced from my shoulder to my hardened nipples then across my chest, to my belly button and down to my pants line, each kiss causing another pulse to burn lower and lower.

''Tate...'' My left hand latched onto one of his, my eyes surely glowing as I tilted my head back in anticipation.

His kisses stopped for a second his mouth hovering just above my skin. For a moment he was still, my eyes meeting his to see surprise. I was about to apologize for using a name I had heard only Dustin use for him but before I could get a word out his mouth turned into the sexiest grin imaginable, his straight teeth almost biting his bottom lip for only a moment until his kissable lips fell to my hips biting at the skin in soft little playful nips.

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