Chapter 8: Rogue Blood

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''So... do traditional packs really not keep their omegas?'' I fidgeted with my hands and looked up to Alic, his face covered in the shadows of night and trees.

''We used to.'' He sighed.

''What changed?''

''There was an attack. Rogues took our omegas and raped them as a show of power and to sully our lines, men and women, children and adults. It didn't matter to them.  After that, we collectively decided that there was too much to lose when keeping those unable to defend themselves.''

''Omegas have an important part in the pack though. They're important in raising pups and keeping the atmosphere of a pack. They're born to take up the role of a nurse or doctor or nanny.''

'' The Luna who was once an omega tried to talk to them during an attack to save a young omega boy who she held dear, but they took her and killed her in front of the alpha as the greatest insult. Could you have lived as if nothing happened after that?'' His eyes were pained as if it had just happened in front of him now, the wound still fresh.

''I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-''

''Don't apologise.'' the shock from my apology was almost comical as if he had never heard the words before. ''You should know our past and decide to protect it with all your heart, after all, you'll be taking her place some day.''

''Luna?'' I stopped dead in my tracks and stared at the man.

''You don't know?'' He looked shocked before laughing. ''Tatum is in for it. It would have been nice if he told you he would be Alpha in spring before he mated you.''

''We never finished mating.'' My hand came to rest on the mark he left on my left shoulder.

''Tatum, you bastard. You just made my job harder.'' Alic groaned and stepped closer to me, scanning our surrounding before ushering me forward.

''What do you mean?''

''You don't know much about anything do you?'' No malice or rudeness was in his voice, he was just genuinely curious.


''If you didn't complete the mating, you'll shortly go into heat. It's more common that omegas go into a harsher heat than most because it's harder for their bodies to fight off and regulate the effects. If rogues catch your heat and can scent Tatum on you, they'll do anything to soil the future Alpha's Luna. The best way to get to an Alpha is through his Luna.''

My mind and heart started working into overdrive as my head swung back and forth around the forest.

Go into heat? I was never told about this. I guess I never really asked. I just knew that you mated. I never asked for specifics.

''What's heat?''

''Goddess I'm going to kill my nephew.'' He groaned and ushered me further until we reached the base of the cliffs and made our way up a path and climbing up ledges.

I don't think I've ever felt so useless as I did when for the majority of our trip, Alic had to carry me or push me up onto rocks due to my curse of being short and weak.

''Ouch.'' I whined when a particularly sharp rock scraped my leg, the stinging almost immediately making me reach to put pressure on the blood before it ran down and soaked my fresh bandages on my feet.

''Hey, hey are you okay?'' Alic lifted my leg as we reached the opening of a cave and inspected my leg.

''Yeah. I'll be fine.''

''I thought I told you to take care of him?'' A growl ripped from behind me before I was pulled off the ground and pressed into a large familiar chest.

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