Chapter 27: Myles Moore

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Baby Jai Jai is all grown up *sobs*

I woke up cold.

My eyebrows scrunched up in confusion as I pat around the bed searching for Tatum; my warmth. I felt like I was prying open my eyes as if they had been sealed closed by the frost that was inevitably coating the woods outside the den.

Tatum wasn't here?

I searched the room from the confines of our bed; a fur resting only a millimeter from my drooping eyes to try and trap any warmth possible, but my mind was now on searching for my stray mate.

My fingers brushed across a wooly type of jacket that my Aunt Petricia had packed for me causing a smile to pull across my face. I told her I wouldn't need such a large jacket thinking it wouldn't be so cold here. I'm glad she ignored me the way she always does because I clearly don't know what's best for me.

The material engulfed me from the hood pooling around my neck to the large wooden buttons that ran down the front of the cream fabric to my knees where it ended.

Maybe she could have gotten it in a different size though?

I continued searching the room for socks and pants, striking luck with a pair of thick track pants but no socks unfortunately. They would have to wait.

Setting out of the room into the colder air, I made my way to the deserted hot pools, where I realized I had not visited last night after our....exercise... meaning Tatum had wiped me down to my utter embarrassment.

''Where is he?'' I whispered, puffs of air leaving my mouth with every word.

I then ventured to the barren dining hall and finally to the entrance of the cave where a large figure stood overlooking the sunrise just barely peeking over the trees that were indeed sprinkled with frost.

My toes prickled with the cold rocks as I walked outside the cave and to the edge of the ledge that Tatum was standing over, looking totally tranquil and right at home in the frigid temperature even with his chest bared to the world only his loose, barely buttoned up black trousers protecting him.


His head swung in my direction seemingly shocked as if I had pulled him out of some trance before it softened, his arm wrapping around my shoulder and pulling me into his warm chest.

How in the goddess' good name was he warm at a time like this!?

''Morning, Angel.'' His lips descended onto my hair, kissing the top of my head.

When I looked back up to him my eyes surely bugged out of my head at the bruised bite mark on his neck that I can recall doing in the throes of my orgasm last night when I... attacked him.

''Does it hurt?'' My fingers brushed along the ridges of where teeth once caused the skin to bulge and dip.

''No.'' His face turned to mine completely to give me a love filled warm smile, my heart constricting for a second at his injured eye.

Tatum's scruffy morning hair was suddenly brushing my cheek as he dipped his head to give my mark a sloppy lick causing a mix between a moan and a laugh to explode out of my mouth, my hand not coming up quick enough to cover it as he continued to tease me playfully.

''Stop worrying.'' A soft kiss planted itself just below my ear.

''Ew, are you two fucking out here too? Goddess will you strike me where I stand PLEASE!? Get a room you flaming homos!'' Charlie fell dramatically to the ground as he covered his ears and eyes.

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