21. Say Uncle

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It's not long after that Naruto and Sakura manage to direct Sasuke to the flag, despite Kakashi's interference. Whatever high mood I'd had is dampened by my confusion. Kakashi said I'd regret being mean to Sasuke. Why? He's a jerk. King of the jerks, in fact. But Kakashi sounded serious.

"Well, you passed, surprisingly, congratulations." Kakashi says, and Naruto and Sakura break out in raucous celebration. Sasuke even cracks a smile. Sakura pulls me into a tight hug, grinning and cheering, and I can't help but smile and hug back.

"I'm a kunoichi, I'm a kunoichi!" She chants over and over. I don't think she stops the entire way home, and I'm sure that by the time she walks through her front door, the entire village will know. Naruto's not much different, though he's a little less... Polite, about it. Sasuke doesn't say a word, but he looks more than a little self-satisfied as he slouches away with his hands in his pockets.

"Maya, before you leave, I'd like your evaluation of the squad." Kakashi says, catching me by the shoulder.

"Huh? But I'm just a tag along."

"Apparently, you're my teaching assistant."

"I just said that because I couldn't think of anything else!" Is he punishing me?

"And now you've got to stick with it. So, evaluate."

I huff and lean my back against a nearby tree, my arms crossed.

"Naruto's actual abilities aren't great, but he's enthusiastic. If you could win on fighting spirit alone, he'd be totally unstoppable. Sasuke's problem is his attitude. He's got raw talent, and skill, but he can't work as a team, and underestimates everybody based on their first appearance. Sakura... Her problem is her lack of confidence. She doesn't believe in herself. She's smart - probably smarter than Sasuke, and she'd make a great leader someday, but she needs confidence."

"My thoughts exactly." Kakashi's smirking slightly.

"Huh?" I blank. Why did he ask me if he already knew?

"Good to know you've been paying attention. You can go now." He dismisses me with a lazy wave over his shoulder.

"What do you mean? Hey, I'm talking to you! Don't just walk away! Kakashi!" But it's no use, he's gone, leaving me with just his retreating back and quiet laughter.

It's late afternoon by the time I make it back to the Sarutobi house, and I don't have much time before I need to be at the bathhouse to setup. As I'm kicking off my sandals in the doorway, I notice another pair of large, black sandals in an uneven pile. I nudge them with my foot until they're neatly resting side by side and then step inside.

"Masumi? Tsuyoshi?" I call as I pad deeper into the house.

"Intruder!" Damn, Konohamaru's home already. I sigh heavily and trudge into the kitchen, ready for an awkward early-dinner.

"Huh?" I stare at the man sat at the counter. The owner of the sandals, I realise distantly. Across from him is Konohamaru, glaring daggers at me.

"Hello there," the man smiles warmly, "Konohamaru's been telling me all about you."

"I promise I'm not really an intruder." The words tumble out before I can stop them, and I brace myself for Konohamaru's yelling. But before he can start, I hear a quiet thump, and look up to see that Konohamaru's glare has switched to the man.

"I realise that. Konohamaru's just upset. Masu-chan's told me about you too."

"Masu-chan?" I frown. Does he mean Masumi? The aloof, proud, quiet matriarch? Masu-chan?!

"My older sister." Older? I thought -chan was diminutive? Wouldn't he use -san if she were older?

"Right." I drag the word out.

"You're Kakshi's shadow, aren't you?" He asks, changing the subject.

"Yes." I nod.

"Tell me, did he fail that new genin team of his?"

"Um..." Can I tell this man? I don't know who he is...

"Sorry, I should introduce myself. I'm Asuma Sarutobi, I also train a genin team." He explains, still smiling.

"Maya." I stick out a hand for him to shake.

"So I've heard. Well, did they fail?" Somehow, it looks like he's expecting me to say yes.

"What do you think?" I ask, testing the waters. His constant smile quirks upwards slightly in one corner.

"I was going to say yes, but then you knew that, didn't you?" His gaze has taken on a sharper quality, and he watches me carefully to gauge my reaction.

"Well, yeah, I mean, I guessed you would, since Kakashi always fails his teams."

"But he didn't this time."


"What's different about this team?" He asks softly, and while I get the feeling he's talking to himself, I shrug anyway. Suddenly, the front door slams open, and Yoko comes running into the living room, coming right for me.

"MAYA!" She wraps her arms tightly around my waist and buries her face in my sternum.

"Hey, Yoko." I ruffle her hair.

"Traitor..." Konohamaru mutters, and Yoko sticks her tongue out at him.

"Konohamaru's just upset because he saw you eating with Naruto yesterday." Yoko tells me, and Konohamaru jumps to his feet with a shout.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"It doesn't matter either way. Yoko, how was your day?" Asuma immediately takes charge of the situation, leaving me to throw together a quick lunch and dash off to the bathhouse.

If things continue like this, I might just drop dead of exhaustion.

A/N: I'm doing the pictures again because eh, why not. None of them are mine, I just get them off google images. Credit to those who produce/post them even if I don't know your name.

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