23. Water Works

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"Fishing?" We stare blankly at the Hokage.

"We recently got a D rank mission requesting additional crew for a fishing trip on Lake Sakana." The Hokage explains, looking way too amused for my liking. Does he know?

"Man, I'm getting tired of these stupid missions!" Naruto yells as we leave the office.

"These missions are suitable for genin to complete. You're not ready for anything more complex." Kakashi sighs. He's said this a thousand times, but still Naruto complains.

"Un, Kakashi?" I ask once the three genin have pulled ahead of us.

"What is it?"

"Can I be excused from this mission?"

"Huh?" Kakashi stops short and turns to stare down at me.

"I can't go on this mission." I say it as firmly as I can.

"Why not?" Kakashi frowns.

"Um..." He'll laugh at me, I'm sure he will...

"If you can't give me a reason, I can't excuse you." Kakashi says simply, and leaves me standing in the hallway.

"If you don't hurry up, you'll be left behind." He calls airily, and I very nearly hate him. Still, I reluctantly follow him and the team towards our assignment.

This is not going to go well.

Lake Sakana itself isn't all that far away, but the pier we have to walk down to actually get to the boat is as long as it is unsteady. That is to say, it's really freaking long. The wind on the water makes waves that causes the entire frame to shudder awfully, and my heart jumps into my throat. I think I'm going to be sick.

"Hurry up, Maya!" Naruto yells, overexcited as always.

"I'm coming!" I call back, voice shivering slightly. The pier quakes, and it nearly tips me into the water. I have to crouch down low, grip the edges of the wood and breathe deeply before I can muster up the courage to take another step.

"Maya?" Sakura's been sticking by me, and now looks down at me with concern.

"Are you alright?" No, no I am not alright, not alright at all.

"Yeah, I just- get seasick." God, I am such a liar.

"Oh, why didn't you tell Kakashi? I'm sure he would have let you off." No, because he would have been able to tell I was lying.

"Immersion therapy." I mutter.


"Nothing, let's go." I wobble to my feet and start inching along the pier again. By the time I make it to the boat, Kakashi, Naruto and Sasuke are already in and settled. Sasuke stares derisively at me.

"Pathetic." He snorts, and I purposefully step on his foot as hard as I can as I get in.

"Hey!" He snarls.

"Oh, sorry, I'm having a hard time fitting between you and your massive ego." He kicks me in the ankle in retaliation.

"Don't make me come over there." Kakashi warns us.

"Come on, guys." Sakura begs, and we huff and look away from each other.

"Man, and I thought I didn't get on with Sasuke." Naruto laughs.

"I would have expected Naruto and Sasuke to get along worse." Kakashi sighs.

"Naruto at least has some skill."

"I'll have you know that I have ample skill in pushing jerks off of boats. Want a demonstration?"

"Now, now, you'll scare the fish." Kakashi bans us from speaking from then on, leaving Sasuke in almost total silence despite Sakura's many attempts at conversation. What does she even see in that boy? He's so not good enough for her.

The choppy waters just gets worse as the mission continues, and a storm rolls in. I wind up gripping the edge of the boat, my face pressed tightly against the wood, trying hard to breathe as my throat closes up. This is not good, not good at all.

"Kakashi-sensei, I think someone should take Maya back to land." I hear Sakura say, obviously concerned.

"We can't delay the mission now."

I should never have gotten on this damned boat.

A particularly large waves rocks us, and my stomach turns.

"Shit..." I groan, and squeeze my eyes tighter shut.

"You can't even handle a little choppy water?" Sasuke mocks, and I snap. Releasing the edge of the boat, I spin around to face him, jumping to my feet.

Big mistake.

The boat lurches and I stumble back. My legs hit the edge and the boat rocks again and I'm falling, tumbling into the ocean.

A scream rips from my throat and I reach out to grab hopelessly at thin air before I'm surrounded by ice cold water, the shock of it pulling the breath from my lungs. I reflexively drag in a breath and only take in water. I'm sinking fast and coughing and breathing in water and coughing again, thrashing desperately but I can't swim.

I can't swim!

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