53. More Plot!

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Leaving Jikan has always been harder than entering it, Atsushi thinks to himself as he looks out over the waterfall. He's already cleared the barrier, and waits now for Satoru to make his escape. He's supposed to go this mission alone, but even the guards at the exit are not surprised when his attendant emerges as if from thin air.

"Let your victory be swift." One guard murmurs, just within earshot of Atsushi.

"And may history treat us kindly." He whispers back, nodding his head before Satoru joins him.

"We must leave now, Atsushi-sama." Were they in private, Satoru would give his friend a good shove to get him moving, but not here. Here they are master and attendant.

"Yes." Atsushi nods, and sets off first, Satoru trailing behind in his shadow, as always. Once they are safely across the bridge, with the sound of the waterfall masking their conversation, Atsushi lets the tension drain from his shoulders.

"Man, that never gets easier." He groans, rolling his head from side to side with a grimace.

"Indeed not. I wonder at Rekishikage-sama's reasoning."

"He believes in our power. Once an enemy infiltrates the village, they won't be able to leave, and our forces will wipe them out." Atsushi explains, a grim twist to his mouth. The barrier is his father's pride, and it makes him sick to his stomach.

"That is..."

"Brutal? Yeah." Neither says anything after that. There are no possible words.

The trek down the mountain is hard, and once they finally reach the base Atsushi flops down to lie on his back, arms and legs spreadeagled, chest heaving.

"What are you doing?" Satoru asks, scowling.

"I'm taking a break."

"That is not advisable. Get up." He demands, but all Atsushi does is lift one arm to cover his eyes, protecting them from the sun.


"Atsushi-sa-" Satoru tries, but Atsushi cuts him off.

"Don't you dare." He warns.

"Atsushi." Satoru huffs, arms crossed.

"Thank you." The boy grins, and Satoru has to resist the urge to kick him in the ribs.

"Fine." He says shortly, and sits down next to his master, arms wrapped around his knees, waiting as patiently as he can.

In Jikangakure, Atsushi has little freedom. Satoru knows this, and what's more, he understands the impact this has had on his carefree friend. Atsushi has always been a free spirit, a trait he gained from his mother. Sometimes Satoru believes it would be better for him if he were just like everyone else. But then he wouldn't have the strength or creativity to achieve what they are currently attempting.

"I can practically hear you thinking." Atsushi murmurs, lips curving up in a small smile.

"I apologise." Satoru says automatically, and Atsushi elbows him.

"I'm worried too." He says after a short pause. A quick glance out of the corner of his eye tells Satoru that his friend has not moved, but then this is typical. Atsushi excels at pretending to be utterly relaxed despite whatever degree of anxiety he may be experiencing. Yet another source of frustration for Satoru.

"I am not worried. I have every faith in my abilities. Yours, however..."

"Hey!" Atsushi laughs, and elbows him again. When Satoru goes tense, he worries that he's hit an old wound, and looks to check the damage, only to see his friend staring off into the middle-distance, completely alert.

"What is it?" He asks in a hushed tone.

"Someone is coming." Satoru whispers, kunai already in hand.

"There shouldn't be anyone around here."

"I am aware."

"What should we do?"

"I recommend shutting up for a start." Satoru rarely snaps, making it all the more terrifying when he does.

"Right. Shutting up." Even as he says this, Atsushi slips a kunai from his pouch, readying it in a clenched fist.

A shinobi clad in a red hooded jacket shoots out of the forest, landing easily in a crouch. Satoru shifts so he's crouched in front of Atsushi.

"No need to look so tense." A corner of the shinobi's mouth quirks up as he straightens.

"Who are you?" Satoru growls, lip curling.

"Oh, no one, really. I just heard about some kids plan to simultaneously stop and start a war, and I got interested." There's an iciness in his gaze, a level of calculation. This isn't someone to take lightly.

"Did my father send you?" Atsushi calls, and Satoru shushes him desperately.

"No one sends me anywhere." The shinobi frowns, pouting slightly.

"Then why are you here?" Satoru takes back control, standing tall to make the shinobi's eyes follow him up and away from Atsushi.

"I told you, your friend here caught my eye." He gestures with his chin towards where Atsushi hovers just behind Satoru's shoulder. Damn.

"Why?" Atsushi frowns, stepping forwards. Satoru mentally curses him. Is his friend completely numb to any sense of danger or urgency?

"Why?" The shinobi damn near purrs it, smirking like the cat who got the cream.

"Yeah." Atsushi nods, setting his jaw and praying his eyes are steely.

"Well, it's not often I get asked that. Shinobi usually don't care why." Satoru doesn't miss the note of disdain in his voice.

"I'm not exactly a regular shinobi." Atsushi admits, but the- the not shinobi just scoffs.

"All shinobi are the same, kid. But I'm looking for someone, and I think you can bring me to him."

A/N: I hate establishing voice, it's so hard. Plus side, I'm listening to the Hamilton soundtrack and HOLY SHIT I'M IN LOVE.

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