8. Ichira-who?

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Kakashi leads me through Konoha again, this time feeling less conspicuous but just as sore. The bunny has been transferred from my arms and into my sling, where it's curled up against my elbow and snoring softly.

I stick close to his back to avoid being jostled too badly. If my hands weren't bandaged beyond all recognition, I'd be clinging to the back of his flak jacket. On that thought - how am I supposed to hold chopsticks with my hands like this?!

By the time I realise this dilemma, Kakashi has stopped in front of a ramen stall where an older man and young woman are working. Honestly, why couldn't he have picked a sushi place? It's not like you can eat ramen with hands the size of bear paws.

"Uh, Kakashi..." I say, and when he looks at me I hold up my bandaged hand. He has the nerve to just shrug and take a seat like it's nothing. How am I even supposed to get up on the stool?!

"Are you alright?" The girl asks. I smile weakly rather than respond. If I support myself on the counter, I should be able to wiggle on...

It's a lot easier in theory.

After more than a little grunting and a few false-starts, I manage to get myself seated on the stool. Next problem - eating food with limited use of my hands. Well, hand.

"What can I get you?" The man asks, and I'm face with problem number three:

"I... I don't have any money." I look helplessly at Kakashi. The fiver my mum gave me for the fair was in the pocket of my shorts, but even if I had it with me, it would be worthless here.

"I'll pay for today. Just order something." He says in an unexpected act of generosity.

"I can't read Japanese either." Not much, anyway. Kakashi sighs heavily and rattles off an order to the man as I blush so hard I'm afraid my head will explode. He's disturbingly good at making me feel like a complete burden, and it turns my stomach.

"Have you figured out how you're going to eat yet?" Kakashi asks me like this isn't a massive problem.

"No." It comes out more petulant than I intended, but Kakashi doesn't even seem to notice. He just goes back to idly chatting with the man preparing the food.

"Have you been busy today?" He asks, as I use one of my bear paws to try to bat a pair of chopsticks out of the pot in front of me.

"Not really. Naruto dropped by earlier with Iruka earlier." The man tells him. The chopsticks fall onto the table top and I suppress a whoop. Now I've just got to pull them apart.

"What's he like, this Naruto?" For the first time since I've met him, Kakashi sounds honestly curious.

"I'm sure you've heard about the tricks he's played, but he's not a bad kid." I finally manage to wiggle them apart, only one springs up and smacks me in the forehead. Kakashi snorts, and I kick him under the table.

"So Iruka's told me. What else?" One chopstick has fallen to the floor, and I have to work another one from the pot. Would it kill Kakashi to help a little?

"I don't really know him that well. All I can tell you with any authority is that that boy can put away more ramen than anyone I know, so watch how often you offer to pay for him." Damn it- these bandages have got to go. I pull them off with my teeth until the end is trailing down past my elbow, and I can finally manoeuvre my fingers, even if they are still wrapped in a second, thin layer of gauze.

"Shouldn't you be more careful?" The girl is frowning slightly at me, eyes darting down to the blotches of red at my fingertips.

"A girl's gotta eat." I shrug, just glad I can actually pick up the chopsticks now. The man glances at me, and something about the sharp look in his eyes makes me think he knows more about what happened than I could possibly tell him.

"Speaking of eating," the girl places a steaming bowl in front of me, "enjoy!" It's all the encouragement I need to dig right in. I hadn't thought I was that hungry, but once I start eating I can't stop, and before I know it, all that's left in the bowl is soup. A ladle appears almost out of nowhere, and soon the bowl is empty.

"Oh wow, you really were hungry!" The girl laughs, and I flush. I just pigged out in front of a really pretty girl. Damnit Maya, think before you do these things!

"Can I have some more?" I turn to Kakashi, who sighs. He'd better suck it up, because the way I see it, he owes me big time for potentially scarring me for life. Lucky for him, I accept payment in food.

"Another miso ramen for the brat, Teuchi-" I let the brat comment slide, but only because the rabbit's waking up and I don't know when it last ate.

"And something for the rabbit."

"- and lettuce for the rabbit." He sighs like this is the most difficult thing in the world. The man - Teuchi chuckles as he gets the order together, and the girl takes my bowl.

"Thank you!" I give Kakashi my biggest grin. 

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