Good Times Bad Times

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This chapter fits the timeline of "Ready to Run" and "Fading" in Guarded Hope.

Good Times, Bad Times - led zepplin

"What's with you man? Your choir boy ways have become more monk-like lately. You feelin ok?" Will asked, punching him in the arm.

Ethan has let out a big sigh, "I'm okay, just thinkin' a lot."

"Well, let it out. Go ahead and spill it."

Fine. "There's this girl-"

Will cut him off, "Finally! Better late than never, bro. Is she hot? Have you kissed her yet?" He dove in for all the juicy details. If only there were details.

"Nah, it's not like that. I haven't even talked to her yet..."

"Well, what're you waitin for? Git 'er done!"

"It's not that simple. Her family comes up here to camp once a year. I've tried finding out everything I can about her, and making eye contact, smiling. She's just really shy. It's awful how much I think about her but haven't even had a conversation yet." Ethan ran his fingers through his hair, staring ahead absently.

Will was speechless. But only for a minute.

"Aww, you're in love. That's so sweet." He commented sarcastically while giving Ethan a pat on the back. Ethan shrugged away from his touch.

"And you wonder why I haven't said anything these last three years." He knew immediately that he had made a huge mistake.

"THREE YEARS! What the hell? Is this why you've been a buzz kill all through high school? Three years, my frikin... Damn, you got it bad, my friend."

"Tell me something I don't know." Ethan let his misery have its way with him, holding nothing back. "I just want to talk to her, but I want her to want to talk to me, you know."

Will looked at him long and hard for a few minutes. Ethan felt his watchful gaze and knew those wheels were turning. He was starting to wonder if telling Will had been a bad idea.

"Well, looks like it's time for a bonfire." Will remarked.

"No, man. No more set ups. There's no one else out there for me." Ethan insisted.

"I know, bro. I can read it all over your face. This is now 'operation get Hope' and its in full swing."

Ethan whipped his head around and gave Will a confused look. But what he saw told him that his friend understood.

"Okay, what's the plan?"


Ethan was so nervous he didn't know if he could speak. He was about to talk to her, after three years of waiting, and he didn't think he would be able to breathe. Will had talked him into setting up a bonfire and inviting Hope.

Even if she said no, Will reasoned, he would have an opening for a conversation. He decided it was worth a try because nothing else had worked. Ethan was desperate, feeling strongly that this was his last chance, even though reason and logic told him that was ridiculous.

Ethan had found Brad earlier and told him to get Hope to go down to the beach that afternoon. Ethan would be down there waiting with Will and some of the kids playing soccer. When Ethan started to make his way over to them, Brad was supposed to run off so he could talk to Hope alone.

But now Ethan wondered if that was the best idea. She was awfully shy and maybe Brad would be a good buffer. Will insisted, however, saying that Brad would be a safety net for both of them and to just man up and talk to her already.

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