All I Want is You

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All I Want is You - U2

It was the morning of Ethan's big day with Hope. He woke up long before his alarm was set to go off, his mind racing with thoughts of seeing her again. It had only been a day since their night time drive, but Ethan was already anxious to spend more time with her. It was like he just couldn't get enough.

Although he felt a nervous excitement thinking about the day ahead, he also felt a tug on his heart. The guilt he had worked so hard to keep at bay was pressing on him. It tore at him, a bit stronger than he had felt in a while. He knew it had to do with Hope. The last thing Will had done in life was console Ethan over his perceived loss of contact with her. The final moments of his time on Earth were spent trying to cheer him up. It wasn't lost on Ethan that now he had his chance with Hope, but Will was gone.

His heart told him to start opening up to her. His gut told him to let her in, she would understand. But his mind rebelled and forced those feelings aside, reminding him of his role in Will's death, telling him that waiting for Hope all of these years would seem weak. He let his mind overrule the rest of him. He would tell her, he assured himself, eventually. But not yet.

Ethan forced the negative thoughts aside and went back over their last conversation. He loved every second he had been able to spend speaking to her, even if it started out a little strange.

He had texted her yesterday morning that he would be busy all day but would call in the evening after work. Casey had come through with the favor he asked of her and switched shifts, giving him a double work day yesterday but the full day off for his date with Hope.

After all of his plans were made and he was preparing to call her, he realized he hadn't made sure Hope would be available. Real smart, Sherlock. At that point he was willing to take what he could get, even if it wasn't a full day with her.

Ethan lay in bed, remembering the call.

He waited as the phone rang, smiling as he thought of her voice. His daydream was shattered as the other line connected and he heard his mom.

"Hello, son. How are you?"

"Mom? What's going on? Is Hope there?"

"Yes, she's here, but she's laughing too hard to talk."

"At me? What did you tell her!?"

"No, not at you!"

There was a shuffling sound and then, finally, Hope came on the line.

"Hi, sorry, we were watching a movie and I guess it just struck us as really funny. I asked your mom to answer because at the time, I couldn't get any words out, I was laughing so hard."

"Oh, okay. I was confused for a minute, but I get it. So, can you talk now or are you still watching..." He really wanted to talk with her, but didn't want to take her away from his mom. She didn't spend enough time with people as it was.

"No, I don't need to keep watching. Let's talk."

Ethan was relieved.

"So, how was your day, busy?" Hope asked.

"Yup, I worked two shifts today at the restaurant. I switched with a buddy so I could have tomorrow off." Well, Casey was kind of a buddy. And now Ethan's heartrate picked up, praying that Hope was available to come out to spend time with him.

"Oh?" was all she said.

"Yeah" he continued, "and I was wondering if you wanted to come out to SLO for the day." He was nervous she would say no.

"Of course, that would be great!" Ethan had a huge smile. Not only was she available, she seemed really excited about it.

"Good. You can meet me at my place about 10am tomorrow, if that works."

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