Knock on heart

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Anaya's POV.
Its been a month I was bearing his torture. He didn't change. I really wanted to spit my all anger on him now. One more time he tortured me,and I will not bear this time. I decided and walked toward room. He was laying on bed using his mobile. He looked at me but I ignored him. I went to my wardrobe and select my dress to dressed was Sunday and I was working like a bull in kitchen preparing his favourite dishes after all the cleaning of the house. Mama and baba Jaan didn't came to see us. I was very sad. He filled my each day with tears. He killed my all hopes,of a happy family.

I took a shower to relax myself. I came out and find him in same position. I comb my hair and left them open as they were wet. I spread my hair on my back and turned to him.

"Lunch.!" I asked as I reached near him.

He got up and walked outside. I followed him. I knew he was going to the dinning hall. I reached dinning hall and he was already there. I went inside kitchen and start serving food on table. He was looking at me. I was feeling his eyes on me. He didn't touch food and I know i have to serve his plate also. I slowly served his lunch and I sat in front of him. He start eating his lunch and I start mine.

After having our lunch I walked toward my room. I was planning to have some rest. My eyes and head were paining as hell. As I stepped in the room,I saw him coming too. I didn't bother to pay attention on him. I calmly lay down on bed and closed my eyes.

I was about to doze off when I heard something fall. I opened my eyes and find him standing in front of wardrobe throwing everything out.

Not again..!

These were the words came in my mind. My head was hurting a lot. It was difficult for me to keep my eyes open.

"What..what are you doing?" I asked as i put my one hand on my head.

He turned to me and I saw his red eyes. The dangerous expression which scared me.I got up and went toward him.

"How dare you to change the side of my clothes??" He shouted.

I took two steps back in fear. He took one step closer. He hold my arms and pulled me toward him.

"Leave me." I tried to free myself.

His finger were pinned harder in my arms. My eyes were closed. The headache was increasing. And the pain he was giving me was making me more weak. My legs were feeling weak to make me stand any further. A tear slipped from my eye.

"Kaif please you are hurting me." I said still with close eyes.

I tried to stop the hiccups but it was hard because I was hurt. My heart was crying.

"How you change the side my clothes in the wardrobe?. Did you asked me??" He yelled.

I was feeling his eyes on me. His breath was burning my face. I tried to open my eyes but as I tried a wave of pain stopped me and I again closed my eyes.

"I'm...I'm sorry. I'll fixed it later.please" I said.

"Now you have to fix it now." He said and I nodded.

I wanted to cry a lot. I wanted to yell at him but I took the sip the tolerance. He leave me and I slowly open my eyes and as I did my head start paining more. Tears were rolling down on my cheeks. I didn't look at him. He went to bed and I start cleaning the wardrobe. I was feeling someone caught my heart in his fist. The headache was increasing.I slowly put his clothes on his side and mine on other side. I fixed everything on its place. I turned to him and he was still there looking at me. My body was shivering. I was feeling my legs trembling. My eyes were swollen because of the headache and crying. I was feeling their redness. I walked towards the washroom and start washing my face. With the water my tears were also steaming down on my face. I came out and find that he was nowhere. I almost Fall on bed. I closed my eyes. My body was paining a lot. I doze off into sleep.

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