Through Immortal Eyes (1)

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I felt the twigs breaking under my bare feet. My golden, brown hair was whipping behind me. I took my focus off my feet, and glanced around me. The emerald green forest was now a blur of several types of brown and green. I searched the tall, old, crooked trees for Ella. I tuned in my ears. I heard her quiet snicker somewhere above and afar. I ran at least, 92 mph. northwest. The quiet snicker had now turned into a boisterous one. I stopped in my tracks. I concentrated on the branches of the trees, my eyes zooming in. I noticed every little thing, every little movement. I could feel a headache coming on, but I continued to search anyway. My eyes searched farther up the trees to find Ella sitting, gracefully on a branch. It was barely able to support her weight, I could tell the branch was slowly cracking and bending, I brought my eyes back to normal vision.

"Well..." Her voice was tinted with a joking tone. "I think it's obvious who won." I rolled my eyes, starting towards the cracked, tilted tree.

"Of course you did. I dare you to name one time you haven't." I jumped onto the trunk of the tree, slyly sliding my hands in-between the widened cracks. My hands were practically as white as a ghost compared to the grayish tint of the trunk. It was old, but I was older. I knew I was around when this tree was just a little stub.

"I refuse to do the impossible. It's pointless." She shifted from her position. The branch was quickly snapping off now, but being her stealthy self, she jumped onto the tree across from her. I steadied myself on the branch directly across. I did not reply, but simply glared.

Her hair was whipped around from the jump, but even then, she was still beautiful. Her glossy silvery-blue eyes, bright against her pale white skin. Her blonde, almost white, hair whipped around her perfectly placed cheek-bones. She grinned, and blood still spotted her pearly white fangs. She injected them back in, leaving only quite sharp normal teeth in their place.

I noticed the first hint of daylight peeking through the clouds, fog still surrounding the top of the trees. "We gotta get back." I said quietly. "School starts in one hour or so."

She giggled, that same usual giggle I've always known. "You think vampires wouldn't be worried about their first day of school. We've done it over 90 times before."

"First impressions are the worst." I smiled, revealing my set of "human" teeth, still spotted with blood from the fangs being ejected. "And, im guessing you won't want to meet your fellow classmates in those clothes." I pointed at her blood-stained shirt, and shorts.

"Maybe not."

I responded by jumping off the branch, at least a 20 foot fall, I imagined. The second my feet hit the ground, I took off almost full-speed. I continued to gracefully jump over each log, broken-off branches, or dead animal, due to us, that stood in my way. I could hear her rather loud footsteps tracing behind me.

I reached our house first. Jumping into the second story window that lead to my bedroom. As I entered, I heard her yell sarcasticly from below. "You really shouldn't leave your window open like that. Someone might sneak in."

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