Through Immortal Eyes (4)

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Sorry for the long delay guys! Don't worry im getting back on track with the story writing!

My eyes widened as i looked at the picture frame facedown on the hardwood floor. I ran to it, which would just appear of me starting in one place and popping up randomly in another to human's eyes. I lifted up the picture gently, shards of glass falling to the floor. I turned it over so it was facing me. The usual picture of my old love, Ramont, faced me now. I stroked his "cheek" lightly, pushing off extra glass. I heard the door bathroom opening, so i quickly placed the cracked picture back on the desktop. I watched Ella walk past my door, a towel wrapped underneath her armpits, her hair hanging down her back, dripping water. I gave the picture one last look then quickly walked to the bathroom, eager for the hot water to relieve the stress.

I walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind me, and locking it. I didn't bother looking at myself in the mirror. I kicked off my hightop converse, some leftover dirt flinging onto the floor. I quickly unbuttoned my jeans shorts, letting them fall to pale feet. Then my shirt, and so on with my underwear and bra. I jumped into the shower, automatically turning the knob on, and to as hot as possible. I stood there, not feeling anything when the cold water touched my skin, because my skin was simply just as cold. It seemed like ages until the hot water finally hit me. I let it hit my back, easing the muscles almost instantly. It felt even more odd then usual. It usually felt like hot water pouring onto ice. In this case, my skin was the ice. But it felt like the hot water was taking longer and longer to melt the ice. I went through the routine. Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap.. but then interrupted by a loud thud on the door.

"Landrie! School starts in thirty minutes. Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt your forty-five minute shower." She said with a tone of irritation and disgust to her voice.

I didn't bother answering, I just quickened washing over my body. I looked down at the water with had hints of brown in it. Wow, I seriously didn't keep up a clean hunt overnight, I thought to myself. I waited until the water was officially clear, then I hopped out instantly wrapping a towel around my body. I looked in the mirror, happy that all the dirt was coated off. Staring back was just a heart-shaped, pale, glossy face. The one I knew. Not the monster.

I grabbed another towel as I walked out, ruffling it onto my hair as ultra speed. My hair was already half dry. I rubbed my body towel against my skin, removing any extra trace of water. I trotted to my walk-in closet, gazing at all the clothes. Fashion was important to me. It expressed your personality. I walked along the shirts, scanning my fingers over them. I picked out a black shirt, one of my artistic shirts. It had a cracked mirror on it, that looked as if it was sketched over a million times. Under the mirror, the words "Imperfect is the new perfect" were written in sketchy letters to match the mirror. I threw it onto my bed along with a bra, of course. I then picked out faded skinny jeans with a rip in the knee. I didn't like skinny jeans because they were "in" like most people. I liked them because the way they fit around your legs I found was rather comfortable. I threw them onto my bed with some undies, again of course. It looked like I was going for a dramatic look today, so I randomly threw a studded belt along with the outfit.

I slipped into the clothes, and walked back into the closet. I decided a pair of shortcut black converse were fine for today. I sat down on the floor and slipped them onto my feet, tieing them. I walked out of the room to find Melissa standing in the hallway.

"Nice outfit." She said looking me over, smiling, revealing all her pearly white teeth.

I looked over her outfit. She was wearing a purple v-neck, with a black undershirt along with a pair of short jean shorts and purple flats.

"I could say the same for you." I returned the smile lightly.

I followed Ella downstairs and out the door to the car. As I walked out the door, her black mercedes came into view.

"You didn't want to drive today, did you?" She asked, already opening the driver door to get in.

"Um, no thank you." I didn't want to drive today. It seemed as if I'd been really fidgety lately. I slid into the passenger seat.

As soon as I shut my door, Ella was backing out of the long mossy driveway. We were driving on the grassy road through the forest, heading towards the main road. I looked over at ella.

"You know," I was looking through the CD's I found on her dashboard that were mine, that I seemed to have left in her car, "you really shouldn't straighten your hair as much. I like it natural. You may not see it, but everyone agrees the curls are beautiful."

She snorted, her curls bouncing over her shoulders, "The only reason I didn't straighten it today was because you were taking such a long shower in the bathroom. Why was that anyway?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2010 ⏰

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