Through Immortal Eyes (3)

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Dear readers, im so sorry for the delay! I had a really busy weekend and couldn't fit in the time. Anywho, I hope you enjoy(: Please keep in mind, this is still going back in Landrie's past.

"Ex-Excuse me?" I tried to respond in a steady voice, but I couldn't keep the terror away.

"Yes. I am your mother's sister. Angelica, rather. So this means im your aunt." She seemed so calm about the entire thing. As if she did this everyday, until I looked her in those silver-blue eyes. I noticed the terror and shock in her eyes too.

"My mom said t-that her sister was kidnapped when she was 16. That's why she is always so protective of me going out alone." I was utterly confused but as much as I was terrified of staying here, I wasn't leaving until I got an answer.

"Your mother had her own stories that were somewhat true but---"

"But? Don't turn this around. I want an actual answer without confusion."

"And, I will give you one unless you interrupt me once again." She looked annoyed also now too, so I remained quiet.

Ella's footsteps brought me back from my memories. I was still gripping the side of the mirror. She was leaning against my doorway with a towel tired around her upper-chest.

"Is it alright if I take first shower?" She said, examining her nails.

"Of course." My voice cracked, still coming back from my flashbacks.

She looked up from examining her nails. Her blonde hair was tossled, and framed her face. "Are you alright?" She straighted her position, from leaning against the doorway, to standing up straight.

"Yeah. Just another flashback." I released my grip from the mirror, but I wouldn't meet her eyes.

"Really? Hmm.. that's odd. Those have been happening a lot for the past week." There was a hint of concern in her voice, and most likely in her eyes, but I wasn't going to look up.

"Yeah. Im fine though. They will go away soon." My australian accent always tinted my voice. I don't know how she didn't find it annoying to live with my voice for that long.

"If you say so." She pranced away into the bathroom. I heard the door click shut. I looked back into the mirror and examined what work needed to be done here. One thing was for sure, there was a lot.

My golden, brown hair was tossled in blood-stained knots down to the bottom of my breasts. My silver-blue eyes, were the same as Ella's or any other vampires of the Australian Clan. Bright from the hunt. My eyelashes, dark, as if I was wearing mascara but I wasn't.

I walked to the full body mirror. I should of worn old clothes this time, I thought to myself. I was wearing short jean shorts, with rips in the them, and a plain comfortable button up black tee. I turned my leg slightly to see my marking. It was on my ankle, and I tried to keep the flashbacks away. It looked like half a sqaure with a swirl at the point where the two ends meet. In between the two lines was a curvy star.

All the tattoos were different for the vampires of the Australian Clan but they all included a star in them somewhere.

I could hear the shower running. I walked over to my dresser, glancing around the room. As I looked around, I noticed something. I sucked in a breath of air.

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