Through immortal eyes (2)

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This is dedicated to xXAngelArtistXx and Sophia for reading my story(= Thankya so much! Love you all.

I muffled a laugh as I threw my other leg over my windowsill. I plopped down lightly on the ground, making my way to the mirror. I stopped, turned myself, and adjusted my eyes from the darkness to the daylight surrounding. I stared at myself, watching a drop of blood drip down my chin. I wiped it away with my hand, gripping the side of the mirror frame. I continued to stare again. Not with self-conceited thoughts of beauty, but thoughts of this monster I have become. I was taken aback, the flashbacks beginning.

I was born, an average human, in 1907 in the city of Sydney, Australia. Childhood friends, a big house, everything anyone could ever love. So I thought. The years quickly passed. Almost too suddenly, adulthood came too fast. I remember when I was 17 nearly 18, I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of a window shattering. I remember running downstairs to find a woman kneeling on the ground with my mom in a chokehold. My heart was racing, when I still had a beating heart that is, my stomach was whirling. I ran to the kitchen, tripping almost every step I took, back when I was uncoordinated. I remember my hand trembling as I picked up a steak knife, and running back into the living room. Trying to stab the cat-like woman who had my mom in a chokehold, I remember the horror as the blade just bent against her skin. I remember her eyes, her glaring silver-blue eyes. Her evil grin. Her fangs pushing into her bottom lip. I remember the pain that came of that night. The flashback was becoming all too clear. I could hear my mom's words ringing in my ears.

"Angelic, take her if you must, take her now. Leave me be." My mom traded me off to the cat-like "Angelica" as simple as that. I remember trying to choke out words, trying to ask my mom what was going on. I remember my mom just letting Angelica take me in her grasp, and away. Away from the house, away from the city, away from my humanity.

I remember her taking me deep into the woods. Telling me what I was about to become. The quotes came back, ringing in my ears once again.

"W-why me?" I tried to be brave but I couldn't help from shaking.

"Why you? I could ask you the same question, but the unfair part is, I wouldn't get an answer. But luckily for you, Landrie, I shall give you an answer." I didn't know how she knew my name, but I didn't dare question it. I couldn't take my eyes off Angelica as she sat on a rock and began her journey into this unbelieveable, horrifying story.

"I must provide a warning before although, it's only fair. We may be covered with beauty. Buts it's only glamour." I realized what she meant, glancing over her body. She had black hair, down to her ass. Straight down bangs, slightly covering her slightly blue eyes. She has white, but beautiful, skin. She folded her hands across her lap. She was wearing tight, leather pants, ripped all over. A plain white tee-shirt that showed off her beautiful curves. Her hair was tossled and looked like it has a few red, blood-spots in it, which made it all the more horrifying. I snapped my eyes back to hers, which were glowing in the night, when she began to spoke again. "We are monsters. We live to kill and kill to live. And the reason I have brought you, and chosen you, because my dear Landrie, your mother may have killed you before I have even got there. If I do recall correctly, your 18th birthday is tomorrow. She would have murdered you before you reached adulthood and your valuable soon-to-be gift for your mother would have killed you with pleasure, or should I say my sister would have killed you with pleasure."

Through Immortal EyesWhere stories live. Discover now