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[Lucas' POV]

We entered the classroom to see Mr. Matthews writing down the new lesson on the board. I didn't bother reading it because of all that was on my mind. It hurt knowing that Maya was on a date with Josh. He isn't right for her! I know I'm supposed to like Riley but I don't. Maya is the only person that I ever think about. But she's off limits now. Even if she did like me, she would never say yes if i ever asked her out. Riley likes me and Maya would never want to hurt her feelings. Sooner or later Mr. Matthews realized I wasn't listening. "Mr. Friar," He said, "what is our lesson for today?"

"Um, our lesson sir?" I replied.


"I don't know sir."

"Detention Mr. Friar! But thank you for being honest."

I sighed and Maya stood up and slammed her hands on her desk. "Hey, you, Matthews!"

"Who, me?" Mr. Matthews said.

"No, the ghost beside you!" she replied sarcastically, "Of course, you!"

"Oh, well then, Ms. Hart, I am trying to teach a class here and I don't need any interruptions." The only reason she spoke to him like that was because he was the dad of her best friend. He's gotten very comfortable with him over the past years. He's like her father.

"Key word, trying." she said, "It's not fair that you give him a detention! I mean you wouldn't give Riley a detention would you?!" Why was she defending me? Not that I don't like it, I'm just surprised. Does she like me?! Oh my god. Maya Hart may like me!! What am I talking about? She likes Josh! She has a date with him!!

"Ms. Hart, detention is what you seem to be wanting, detention is what you're getting." He said calmly after looking furious.

"UGH! No fair!" She said more furious than he was but she knew she couldn't fight him. He was the teacher after all. so, she sat down with a frown on her face.

"I want detention too, daddy!" Riley said out of nowhere.

"Sweetie, I can't give you a detention for not doing anything." He responded in the sweetest voice


"No buts, we've already wasted most of our class ti-" before he got to finish his sentence the bell rang, "Goodbye class, see you tomorrow. Mr. Frair and Ms. Hart, I will be seeing you in detention."

Off to our next class, science.

I pulled my to the side. I needed to know why she stood up for me. "Hey, you didn't have to stand up for me in class."

"Trust me Huckleberry, I didn't do it for you. I did it for Riley." Of course for Riley.

"What do you mean?"

"Missy will be in detention today. Riley wanted me to make sure that if you got a detention, I would be there today, or any day, when Missy is there because she doesn't like her and she thinks she is trying to ruin our friendship. So if Riley does something bad enough to get a detention, I wouldn't be surprised."


"Lucas, Peaches, we have a minute to the bell." Riley yelled.

"We're coming!" Maya yelled back.

[Time Skip]

School has already ended and now Maya and I have to go to detention.

"Hey guys! Great news!" Riley leaped full of joy. "I got you two out of detention!"

"How?" Maya asked.

"Well I talked my dad out of it. He told me to tell you two not to come."

"Okay, cool!" I said.

"Hey Maya can you give Lucas and I a minute?" Riley requested.

"Yeah sure!"

"So Lucas, Um... Will you go out with me?" I was shocked she asked me that! I didn't know what to do so I there and I didn't, more like couldn't do anything. "Um... Lucas, are you just gonna leave me hanging like this?"

"Um... sure, yeah." What did I just say? I don't even like her like that. But, might as well, Maya's on a date with Josh. What have I got to loose?

"Great!" She kissed my cheek, "For a second there I though you were going to say no."

"I'll pick you up at 7, where do you want to go?"

"Can we double with Maya?" Double with Maya?! Did I hear correctly?! Double with the girl I like?! Double with the guy I don't want to see her with?!

"Yeah," what the hell am I saying?! "I'll be over at 7." This is going to be the worst date of my life.

My Depressing LifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang