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[Maya's POV]

       I couldn't go back to sleep after Lucas accidentally woke me up. After 5 minutes of trying, I got bored and went after him. Unfortunately, my legs are like tiny sticks compared to his legs. The guy walks fast. I followed him as slowly as possible realizing he wouldn't want me going after him. I spotted tree where 2 dark figures appeared... KISSING!!! I walked closer. That was the biggest mistake of my life. My BEST friend and the love of my life, were kissing.

Instead of standing there or running away, I did the unexpected. I walked towards them.

"You two look like your having fun." I said with no emotion.

"Maya I-" I cut him off.

"No I don't want to hear it." I started trying my best to keep in the tears, "I thought you cared about me!" It was so hard to keep myself from crying. "And you?!" You know what fuck it, "I thought you were my friend!" I screamed as I bawled my eyes out, "My BEST friend actually!" I was shaking. My legs felt weak, "My fucking SISTER!!!!!!"

       "I will never be sisters with a piece of shit like you." Riley said. I didn't know words like that could come out of an innocent girl like her. "You knew I had a crush on him! You know I liked him ever since I laid eyes on him! Yet you still took him away from me!!! You.. You- you BITCH!!"

I almost fell but Lucas caught me, "NO! Don't touch me with your crusty ass fingers!" I ran to my house full speed. All I knew is that I was was a terrible friend. I knew my mom wasn't home. She texted me earlier. And worst of all, I knew Jake was home... Alone.

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